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Hello yet another newbie!


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Hi! I have a seven and a half month old hungarian vizsla called Sadie and an eleven year old springer spaniel called Twig. Sadie has hit that wonderful adolescent stage and training seems to have gone out of the window! I was trawling the net looking for information and found this forum. I'm looking forward to reading more advice on how to handle this.

I have to admit I read lots of posts on forums, but lack confidence to post very much myself. I'll try not to be and too much of a stalker and make more effort to contribute where I can. :)
hello jampot! Welcome to the forum.. We need photo's of your lovely dogs... I look after a springer sometimes and i do like vizlas, they are so elegant looking. i take it you also have a lot of energy!

When i first got my dog and he was still very very nervous i had the most amazing experience with a vizla. One came charging across the park towards us, and i mean charging, all rippling muscles. I looked down to see what my dog was doing and his eyes were out on stalks and he looked terrified. I looked back up in time to see the vizla clock his expression also... It skidded to a halt and came sliding towards us on its back, rolled around with its legs in the air a bit and when it realised he still wasn't happy it slunk off looking ashamed of itself. I was so impressed at its obvious sensitivity, bless it. Always had a soft spot for them since then. I do hope you join in!
Hey and welcome to Dog Forum - I would love to see a picture of your dogs....


My name is Chris.

Hope you enjoy your time here!
Thank you for the welcomes. I'll try and get some pics on for you. I am rubbish at that sort of thing, so may have to rope in the help of my kids later or wait for my hubby to return home tomorrow. :rolleyes:

Sadie and Twig love to run and fortunately help to tire each other out.
