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Hello! Little Maltese Rescue Dog Coat learning!

Emma Evans Collado

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I found this forum today as I have a bit of a problem and maybe even a bright idea?
We rescued a little pup last year to be company for our male spaniel cross and all has been great! We had her DNA checked to see what breed she was to help with health and dietary requirements.

Maltese/Bolognese plus cross and she is bright and lively!

My problem is only on grooming,my male dog Spike has a soft coat,easy to groom and being a hairdresser I can cope with it easily but my rescue is a different matter entirely. I take my hat off to groomers,that is a totally different skill!

Bibi is brushed often to keep mats at bay but the matting come out of nowhere,I try and keep on tip of it which is easier in the Summer but I took her last week to the groomers because of a few mats underneath which I couldn't get out.
I felt quite defensive when she umm and ahhed and said that she was very matted (I didn't agree but kept quiet) I returned to a scalped dog!! I explained that I brush often and she wears an Equafleece coat when it's damp to help when she is out. The groomer said that that will add to the matting rather than stop it and said I must use a comb regularly to stop the mats and bring her inbetween grooms for a bath and comb out.
The groomer gave me some tips but I had a brainwave...I have just ordered silk pillowcases for the ladies in my family as they are good for keeping hair silky (and wrinkles apparently)
I wondered if anyone has any tips on products or a satin lined coat which might help?
I have taken up sewing to help design a coat that can have leggings with feet as Spike has allergies to grass so I could try and design a lined coat for Bibi?

Sorry for my LONG introductory post,I did check the forum first but cannot find any answers to my problem! Thank you for reading if you got this far,I'm onboard for any help or advice.
Hi and welcome.

I feel your pain, my dog has a coat that can mat if his harness rubs the hair together, the key really is to get right down to the skin when grooming. I use a pin head brush and I keep him in a short clip. I know it can be a shock to see them when the groomer cuts them really short but it is important, the mats pull on the skin when the dog moves, so they can be uncomfortable or even painful.

I hope your silk coat works, it will be very interesting to hear.
thank you,yes I was stunned and tried not to feel hurt as I didn't want to appear as if I don't take proper care of her.
I'm going to look into what I can use to protect her from the wet without compromise and I'll check to see if I have the brush you described...honestly I have so many,I am determined to find a solution ;-)
I used to use a Furminator on my semi-long-haired cat. He hated being groomed, particularly in his arm/leg pits, and would make it practically impossible, so developed matts, but he tolerated the Furminator and it was possible to remove matts with it without tugging - it also got all the dead hair out, so there was less of it to matt. Maybe something you could look into to see if it might help?
thank you,yes I do have one of those in the back of the cupboard for Spike,I haven't used it in a while so that is a good shout! I thought it might be too harsh for Bibi but seeing as she is so short now it could be useful as the coat grows and when she has some length back..which seems to be happening so fast.

I found the Furminator which I now use on Bibi now that her fur is growing back after such an extreme groom,it's tricky as her coat grows in all directions but my brainwave worked..
I had an old silk blouse to line and bought an old (leopard print) mac from ebay and made her a couple of coats for her-it has helped hugely on the matting issue! I keep combing every night now too plus I'd like to figure out a way to line the Equafleece as it is NEON and helps keep her extra covered and seen in the woods on muddy days.
I think it would be a great product to produce if anyone makes items to sell as I have not seen satin/silk lined coats for Maltese dogs anywhere. My sewing jobs are a bit squiffy but I am so pleased with the result!