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Hello I am a basset hound owner would love to meet more

mad basset women

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hello as you probably gathered i am a basset hound owner and i would love to talk to other basset owners

i even made up my own forum for basset hounds & hound dogs as well i was so sick of going on forums for basset hound owners and everybody was so bitchy and i couldn't cope with it i can't stand bitchy people so i left and made my own

so i will start by saying i have 3 basset hounds and 1 golden retriever cross labrador and she is my guide dog and at times you wouldn't think she is a guide dog she is totally mental and is obsessed with going on the back garden she reminds me of a collie he is on the go all the time she never stops even when she has been on a long run she's totally wired but the bassets keep her in check

and she also let them know when she has had enough of their mischievous ways little buggers i have 1 cat which was a cruelty case i rescued her she came from a horrible woman that treated her very badly from the age of 5 week old and she is a little sweetheart i call her my little mell

i am married with 4 children and as i said before i am owned buy 3 bassets and one golden retriever x lab

and i am a cake decorator

& a baker of dog biscuits

so there you have it that is me

i am a mad basset woman with a bit of retriever chucked in ;)
Hello Fellow MadBassetWoman,

I'm so pleased to meet another basset owned person at last, to be able to talk about "normal" bassets - do they exist at all?

I've bookmarked all your website links for future reading, I'm looking forward to it.

You certainly do seem to have a houseful - I've seen your "pack" on the photoblog, they're great looking guys and gals ... Are all your children still at home too?

My sister, who still lives in my birth place in Lancashire (Blackburn), has been a guide dog puppy fosterer for many years and now does promotional work for the Guide Dogs association, giving demonstrations with her dog Summer at schools, hospitals, retirement homes and on charity days as well as appearing on local radio and TV. (I'll contact you elsewhere for advice about my own handicap and rescue dog training)

I've always had dogs and cats in my life, though the most at once were three crossbreed GSDs (the "leader" at that time being a Great Dane x GSD - VERY imposing, but a real loving softy with his family)

I think all our previous dogs have been rescues from one source or another; the boy before Caz the Basset was a setter x black lab, he always suffered terribly from fear of abandonment.

As for myself, well I'm a widow now, mother of three grown children and with 6 lovely grandchildren. My daughter's family have recently taken on a Cavalier King Charles x English Springer pup - a very bouncy sort ... he matches her two youngsters perfectly though nerves get definitely frayed...

Caz and I have been together for going on two years now - his age is reckoned to be around 8. He's often my reason for getting up in the morning and he keeps me smiling, usually, throughout the day. He's full of surprises - he seems such a lethargic zen sort of bloke and then without warning or apparent reason he'll "pop". Like this afternoon, he ambled in out of the rain and suddenly took a flying leap from the doormat straight into his basket, a full 4 metres away! Never ever did anything like that before, and the expression on his face had me rolling about - he obviously surprised himself more than he did me but whether it was the success of his move or the fact that he'd even thought of it is anybody's guess!

Are you a baker of dog biscuits by choice or for economy's sake? In the past two years I've discovered the shovel and dustbin side to the basset nature ... and so you'd think it'd be easier to train with treats wouldn't you? Not a bit of it, unless there's a treat at the end of absolutely every positively answered request (we don't speak of "command" or "obedience" in the same sentence as "basset" do we? Cesar Millan eat your heart out!) Even after two years I get - you don't reward, I don't co-operate - and sometimes not even when you do!

Am I anywhere near being on the right road to understanding Caz do you think?

P.S. I tend to talk a lot ...
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