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Hello - fussy with food


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Hi joining with a question , my jack russell is so fussy with food and I have tried everything had anyone got the same problem
Hi. How old is your dog, has it always been a problem and what do you feed at the moment (and what else have you tried)? Sorry to just fire questions but it helps to understand the background.

There are generally two approaches. Unless there is a medical problem (like eating makes him feel nauseous) dogs won't starve themselves; so you could try a tough love approach - out the food down, after 10 minutes lift it and nothing until next meal time when you put it down again.

Personally I like to see my dog enjoy his food rather than just eat to exist so I did do quite a lot of experimenting to get something that suits (which is why I ask what you feed just now).
I, on the other hand, have a breed that is meant to be a notoriously “shy feeder”, and he eats everything in sight! I think it’s having been brought up with big dogs, and serious food eating competition. Can you leave human foid, eg., a bit of buttered toas lying about safely? It’s a difficult one. Our neighbour had a dog tgat wouldn't eat, and I know she worried herself sick about it. Funny thing was it never lost weight. It was really peculiar.
Have the same problem with my Parson but it’s only happened since we lost our other girl, we tend to give her what she’ll eat on the day, next day she might well refuse the same food, so frustrating but I now try not to worry about it, not losing weight either. She demolished a plate of scrambled egg yesterday, last week she wouldn’t touch it, weird doggy :rolleyes:
Hi Clairelouu75,
Have you tried tinned cat food? I don't know of any dog that wouldn't try and steal the cats food!
I bought my dogs some raw food from a dog butchers. They sell tonnes of different meats and fish in all sorts of variations. I took the food home and dished it out. They were all a bit sceptical, but eat it in the end except for my one Chihuahua who straight up refused it. I left him alone and tried him later, but still no. So I cooked it in the pan and there he was just waiting around for it. As soon as it cooled down, I put it in a bowl and he scoffed it like hed never eaten before.