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hello, i posted a long time ago when i found this site, just found it again!

trying to put some pics of my whippet on, he's a 18 month old brindle, hope u like the pics! if i manage to em on

The total filespace required to upload all the attached files is greater than your per post or global limit. Please reduce the number of attachments or the size of the attachments.

i've tried croppin the pics, taking them in a lower pixel setting on the cam, any ideas where its goin wrong? even the hounds wondering why i'm takin so many pics!

Some of us use or showyour to resize

it must be below 72 - try adding as an attachment - this should should you how much space is left or if the file is too big. and needs to be jpg file.

Everyone seems to have a bit of trouble at first - keep trying. :thumbsup:
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Right here - we go (the pictures look the right size) posting pictures of Charlie for

jnsse :thumbsup:

and lastly here he is again.

had a bit of trouble with this one (maybe the type of file it is saved as )

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He is gorgeous by the way, :wub: :wub: :thumbsup:

heres a link to the help with posting pics.

help with pictures
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i've done it! thanks for your help an postin the others!

thanks, got him at 7 wks old while i just gettin off crutches from a accident, so i had loads of time to spend with him, its starting to pay off now! although he looks nicer in the summer, he dont like playin in the cold much! got loads of pics of him over the field but i'm still havin probs resizing em to under 500 pixels wide, i'll get there tho!
He's a lovely boy :huggles: :wub: And I see he's found the best place to sleep!! :cheers:
thanks, heres a few more, just downloaded a resizer nearly got the hang of it now!


:cheers: congratulations jnjsse on mastering the art of posting pics :lol: Most people have trouble at first me included :- "

Charlie is lovely hope to see lots more pics :wub:
ello, thanks palmalkie,

def got the hang of it now! just need more pics of him doing things other than sleeping! the weathers not helping either as any fields i take him to are covered in water and mud, which he's attracted to! mite take cam to get some better pics in the morn.

Lovely pics :wub:

Well done for mastering the art of posting pics, looking forward to seeing some more :thumbsup:

jnjsse said:
thanks, heres a few more, just downloaded a resizer nearly got the hang of it now!
Very Well done - pleased to see you finally got there in the end. :thumbsup:
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Charlie is beautiful, similar colour to mine so completely bias :b

enjoyed those alot - thank you