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Hay Fever


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im 52 years old and i woke up this morning for the first time in my life with hay fever. (w00t) eyes streaming,sneezing non stop,itchy eyes and sinuses etc. didnt know what was wrong all day till someone said you look like youve got hubs went and got some piriton tablets and within half an hour of taking one i felt much better.cant believe ive suddenly developed this at my age.i thought it was something you always had and were born with it. :blink:
my 7 year old daughter has just developed hayfever, her eyes are swollen and itchy, shes feeling very sorry for herself, i get it as well and its been quite bad for the past few weeks :(

we took our whippie for a run in the fields and she came out covered in bits of the field, i was sat next to her and wondered why i was sneezing like a good en'

realised it was from her coat, i had to rub her down with a damp cloth :(

it makes the summer a bit miserable :(

hope you dont suffer to much :thumbsup:
Started with hayfever in my 20s, I'm nw 54. Each year it gets worse and worse, this year being the worst ever. As part of my work I trained in ear acupuncture, and during training, my colleagues and I practised on each other. It took me a year before I realised my hayfever had dramatically subsided, and no medication - I'm a bit slow mentally sometimes!!!! So, for me, acupuncture is a definite yes!!! Hope you feel better soon, it is miserable.

my mum was working at the local riding school and after her weekend off went back on the monday to otally allergy against the horses! her eyes have little blisters appear under them if she is in contact with the dust from them, also i was never allergic to anything til i had nasal surgery and now im allergic to dogs cats and horses, and break out in hives near rabbits , yep got them too!!! :b

so ive cut down to 7 dogs 5 horses 2 cats 2 rabbits and the tortoises!! (w00t) oh but own shares in allergy remedy companies! :- "
Blimey how weird is that!?! Me and Mum was talking on Friday evening about Tony suffering from Hayfever and I remember you commenting about how you'd never had any problems then next minute you've got it! (w00t)

What you need is some whippy kisses to make you feel better. ;) See you later. :D
I have heard that a teaspoon of local honey each day should reduce hayfever symptoms - something to do with the fact they collect local pollen and turn it into hunny (sorry changed to Pooh bear spellings). I haven't tried it myself cos I can't stand the stuff but I have a friend who swears by it.
Ive suffered hayfever ,allergys.astma since my primary years while starting to be around horses, Also cats ,rabbits anything furry used to set me off..sneezing,runny/sore eyes and short of breath.Over the years it sort of got abit better,but can still suffer even in the winter.Theres alot of remendies on the market at the moment so its trying to find the one that is suitable to yourself.

My elder son whos nearly 17 suffers badlly wth hayfever and he takes hayfever tablets daily
I thought I was allergic to pollen and animal fur too, until I finally consulted an allergy specialist privately last year when it got so bad I had ulcers all over the inside of my eyelids, and a burning sensation breathing. My problems were always worst in mid-summer, around the time the grass and nettles started flowering, so naturally I made a connection. I'd also had periods of reacting to cat fur which had mysteriously come and gone over the years.

The doctor did a simple skin prick test and none of the substances were any different to the control prick, or only very marginally so, which came as a great surprise to me. After a bit of detective work, we identified an number of possible culprits, the main ones being hypo-allergenic makeup, sunscreen and atmospheric pollution (Oxford comes top of the most polluted cities, twice as bad as central London apparently). This was causing sensitivity/irritation to mucous membranes, skin, eyes etc which was being made worse by mechanical irritants (dust, fur particles), rather than the latter being the actual origin of the irritation.

My specialist said it was very unusual for allergies to appear suddenly later in life, as they usually develop in childhood. However it is possible for sensitivities (ie non-immunological reactions, mainly to chemical substances) to worsen over time or exacerbate mild allergies.

If you are having problems with allergic-type symptoms I'd recommend trying to see someone with specialist knowledge and actually getting tested to identify exactly which substances are causing the irritation. Unfortunately there are very, very few NHS allergy clinics/consultants. I can recommend the person I saw in Surrey. He writes the allergy pages for the BBC:

Allergy tests
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I've had hayfever since I was about 9 yrs old and it gets worse as each year passes.

At the moment I take 2 different antihistamine a day and some days that doesn't even work.

When I'm really bad my whole face swells up, I can't see cos of the amount of water in my eyes and it sets my asthma off too.

I've just bought some stuff called Hay Max and you put it round your nostrils and it works a bit like how bee's collect pollen on their legs.

Its not too bad but its really expensive but superdrug have got it on bog off at the moment.
wow thanks for all the info folks! :thumbsup: Elizabeth if im not any better in a couple of days ill go to my doc and ask about allergy symptons have been a lot better since i took the piriton but ive had a few sneezies and my nose is running all the time and my eyes are still a bit irritable but nowhere near as bad as before i took a tablet.cant believe ive developed hayfever at my age!thats if it is hayfever? :unsure: i was in a field at burscough near southport all day yesterday.wondering if thats got anything to do with it :blink:
I get hayfever only every few years I think it must just be when the pollen count is extra high, I don't get it severe but it only started about 10 years ago, I feel for people who get it every year and severe because it really makes your sinuses and eyes hurt :(
my mum started with hayfever when she was 78 years old and still suffers with it today 4 years on,apparentley she wakes up with it then gets better as the day goes on.
kris said:
My symptons have been a lot better since i took the piriton but ive had a few sneezies and my nose is running all the time and my eyes are still a bit irritable but nowhere near as bad as before i took a tablet.
I find piriton is the only one that does anything for me.

I used Beconase steroid spray for a couple of years for my 'cat allergy' and curiously it got rid of the eye irritatation as well. :thumbsup:

The allergy dr recommended something called Hypromellose for eyes; it's just a gel that keeps the eyes moist and acts as a barrier against various nasties. I had been taking Optichrom (sodium cromoglicate) for months which hadn't really been doing a lot of good (probably as it wasn't a true allergy :wacko: ). I think it does work for some people but you have to persist as it takes a few weeks to become effective. Both are over the counter medicines.

Trish, my father's 85 and as developed seasonal reactions, mainly eyes and sinus. If the eyes are bad in the morning it suggests that it's due to the eyes or other membranes not producing enough moisture of their own, which is always worse overnight; pollen allergies tend to get worse through the day, as pollen is released, is carried up in the warm air, then falls again as it cools. Perhaps she could try Hypromellose gel at night, it's very safe and inexpensive (my father won't of course :wacko: )
I've suffered quit ebadly with hayfever for as long as I can remember now and my OH and I are really bad at the moment - it always seems to be the first week of June that it strikes!

I've been taking Piriteze (?) for the past week and it really is helping, this morning I forgot to take it and now Ive got horrible itchy eyes and can't stop sneezing.

I'm trying to wear as little make up as possible on my eyes as I find that irritates them even more, so I just have to look a bit horrible for a while :b

The tablets are really expensive too, these were BOGOF in Asda but normally £6 for 6 tablets!! :blink:
This is an interesting one because this year Ive developed hayfever for the first time. In Feb I moved 200 miles from where I was born and lived for 35 years (Essex) up here to Cheshire. Perhaps its the different strains of pollen or something. Ive narrowed it down to grass or nettle pollen. It just seems to be bad this year. My grandmother is asthmatic and Im allergic to penicillin and have excema so Im a sensitive creature anyway :lol: The only way I can cope with it is Beconase spray as everything else seems to make me drowsy. If it says on the packet 'in rare cases this may make you drowsy' it always makes me fall asleep lol.

My boyfriend gets terrible hayfever - the only thing he can do is have a Kanalog injection - which is a nasty cortasteroid but knocks the symptoms on the head. The possible side effects of that are awful tho.
i have always thaught i kept getting summer colds but nope its hayfever it has got worse over the years blocked nose chesty cough but no temp
