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Has Anyones Dog Taken A Knock Which Has Affected Its Tail... Help Plea


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Kobi had quite a nasty fall at the weekend (Saturday) , from the top of a style. The dogs were with my hubby at the time and

he didnt actually see what happened...but his guess was that two of them...Archie and Kobi tried to get over the top

at exactly the same time, Kobi coming off worst and falling.

Anyway he heard Kobi yelp and went over to him...he seemed fine...maybe a little stiff but no major damage and walked

home no problems, and has been walking fine since...hes made no attempts to run yet...maybe a little lollop but is holding back from anything

strenuous I can tell hes taking it easy.

Anyway I checked him right over and couldnt find anything, even any bruises ...but I did rub him over at the backend with Arnica gel

and have kept him warm.....lots of rest etc......but one of the major things Ive noticed while walking them all out together.....his tail is not in the same

position it was before his fall.....its kind of hanging limp...not dangling....just down and not curved up like it is usually. Its not broken or dislocated...anyway Im sure

its NOT.... and he will let me handle it without any trouble or dosnt appear in pain.

Im going to take him to the Vet at the end of the week, if I think hes not right before anyone mentions it. But wondered if anyone else has had any experience of

hind quarter knocks...tail damage....etc

Honestly do you think hes just taken a bad knock....possibly nerves, muscles.....and will the tail come right again please? Any ideas appreciated. :unsure:
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Is his tail limp from about half way down? If it is, it's something called Limber Tail. This happened to my boy after a dog ran into him at the end of a race. He didn't seem uncomfortable with it at all, and in time it righted itself. I did Google Limber Tail when it happened to him, but I can't remember what it said now. Its nothing to worry about though. Hope this is all it is with Kobi. Let us know how he goes on :luck:
Thanks for the advice June...appreciate that very much...I have been checking on the internet

and the main thing it says it that the Tail can tell how a dog feels...and even when its depressed or unwell...the tail will hang too.

Ive just checked out Limber tail on the sounds exactly like the symptoms.

Ill most likely take him in for a Vet checkup just to be safe....
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Sorry janis ive got no advise but hope kobis feeling better soon :huggles:
I forgot to add, I did take my boy to the vets, and he had never heard of Limber Tail!!
Never come across this before..............but i hope Kobi is feeling better soon Janis :huggles: :huggles:
I was beaten to it....was definitely going to say limber tail, also known as cold water tail.

Parker our old beagle had it several times, I just gave him metacam for three days and he was sorted...limber tail can be painful although not necessarily when you touch the tail, it can be painful for them to move it about.
Thanks for that Whippets rule....He has been with me on our walks today and it is getting higher...if that makes sense...not hanging as low..

been massaging him to get some circulation going on his bum area which he seems to enjoy... :- Im sure with some rest it looks like its improving

but will ring the Vet if I dont see a much better improvement tomorrow.
I hope is back to full tail strength soon. Poor Kobi :wub: ....I hope it doesn't affect his confidence in traversing those stiles in future!
Hi there,

I had a lurcher who broke her tail about three inches up from the end. The tail was hanging limp and the vet just popped a splint on it with a bandage and it healed remarkably quickly.