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Harris Hawks-Can you help

kipper fluke

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Might seem a strange request on this dog site but does anyone know of a similar site on the topic of keeping hawks. I thought that maybe there could be a connection between lurchers/hunting rabbits etc????????

Harry has been wanting a Harris Hawk for a while now but for obvious reasons its not something we want to rush into without lots of info.

We've got some books ordered from the library.

Can anyone help please? ???
Just done a quick search & got a site Falconry Looks a similar sort of web site to here, maybe others on there will be able to help?
steve..........are you in touch with shaun callon? he has birds of prey and ive seen him at a few country fairs. It may be worth trying to get in touch with him, maybe he could help you out :)
put "moocher" in the search engine, there is a forum with a falconry section, also lurcher terrier, etc.
Steve there is a news letter for Harris hawks with lots of info

Right you need Lesley Harris to reply to you. She's on this board and she knows a thing or two about Harris (get the connection :) ) Hawks. I'll see her tomorrow and mention that you are wanting some info.

Lovely birds btw. I watched one being exercised on the outskirts of Bristol right next to the M4. It flew from tree to tree following it's owner.

I bet that loads of people are going to mention your post to her tomorrow. :b
great choice of bird for Harry as Harris hawks are easy to train and are not skittish

like most falcons and hawks, you need an agreed place to fly, like a farm, its a bit like getting a shotgun licence. Wish it was me harry good luck but dont give up the dogs.