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Hare Coursing And A Point Of Law


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hi, regarding hunting with dogs. hunting with dogs is catagorised by law as lasting more than 40 seconds and usualy a hare course lasts less than 40 seconds. where does this leave people who like to chase hares with there dogs, could this be a loophole in the law. any comments anyone??
sparky said:
hi, regarding hunting with dogs. hunting with dogs is catagorised by law as lasting more than 40 seconds and usualy a hare course lasts less than 40 seconds. where does this leave people who like to chase hares with there dogs, could this be a loophole in the law. any comments anyone??

40 seconds is a long course. A dog can cover alot of ground in that time.It would be nice to find a loophole to give those anti's something to chew on.

I've just read an article in sporting gun (inside back page) New labour have finally realised that varous anti organisations have now shifted the goalposts. After telling everyone that shooting is a more humane way of control, then mounting an anti shooting campaign as soon as the hunting bill has been past. It also adds that labour wouldn't do business with orginisations that shifted the goalposts on fieldsport issues. A LITTLE BIT LATE NOW THOUGH.

All the anti's i've seen are in need of a good wash. they spend all day shouting obsenities about us being cruel. Then they go home to there murdering's a joke.
Seen pictures of 100s of hares shot, because owners can,t hare course on their land anymore, another own goal by the antis, for christ sake those hares would be alive to day if it was,nt for the ban, similar to mink being released in Herefordshire, bloody things killed just about everything in there path.

Agree with the feline murderers statement , should have a bell round there neck unless, there for keeping vermin down on farms etc. The amount of wildlife the cats kill is obscene.

Agree with the feline murderers statement , should have a bell round there neck unless, there for keeping vermin down on farms etc. The amount of wildlife the cats kill is obscene.

I agree too a matter of fact I think there should be a feral cat shoot on a regular basis :oops: .........Oh well i'm used to being popular lol :- "
Strike Whippets said:
Agree with the feline murderers statement , should have a bell round there neck unless, there for keeping vermin down on farms etc. The amount of wildlife the cats kill is obscene.

I agree too a matter of fact I think there should be a feral cat shoot on a regular basis :oops: .........Oh well i'm used to being popular lol :- "

Hey you can join my fan club!

that would make 2 of us! :- "
I`ve just had a look at the Hunting Bill, and I can`t find anything that says that hunting with dogs is categorised as lasting more than 40 seconds? Am I looking in the wrong place? I hope that this is right, if it is there will be a lot of tony`s cronies with red faces

along with the anti scumbags
hi nigel, ive read it in the country nans weekly.
Is it in this weeks CMW? I haven`t picked up mine from the newsagents yet.
nah, not in this weeks copy nigel. something i read ages ago when the country side alliance was in full swing with its defence on hunting and coursing..regards heres a coursing photo for you to pick over.
40 seconds ??????? ya havin a feckin laugh. thats not a course its an easy run or a sitter. ive seen good dogs run hares for up to 6 minutes before killin it. and a dont think it would stand in court if ya said to the judge it was killed within 40 seconds, get real..... :rant: :rant:
hi alec, im only quoting what a boffin from the countryside alliance said. 40 seconds was a time quoted for an average hare course, under coursing club rules, 'something you have never done by the sounds of it'. not some hybrid lolloping along after the hare for minutes. so you get real and dont take everything so literaly.. :blink:
sparky, ya right m8 av never coursed under club rules an probably never will, imo i dont think 40 seconds can be classed as a good course.