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Happy Days (smoky)

Jane Rankin

New Member
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It is with such sorrow that I have to tell you that I had to have Smoky put to sleep this morning. He had not been eating properly for some weeks, started vomiting and losing weight. He had an exploratory operation and it was found that he had an inoperable tumour in his abdomen that was badly constricting his stomach - so the decision was made for me.

He was such a nice dog (except on the lure!), at Opens pulling on his lead to go and greet his human friends. In his first year of racing, he won the Consolation League and then various injuries prevented him from doing much until he was a veteran when he ran well and won his 'VC' at the 1st Nationals.

What highs and what lows we encounter with our whippets. One moment I am on Cloud 9 with Quiver winning his Group and the Main Supreme in Scotland on Sunday - the next moment, Smoky....................
So sad to hear you've lost Smoky.

Thinking of you - Judy & Nigel
RIP Smokey. So sorry Jane, you did all that you could for him. Take care of yourself.
So sorry Jane, as you say the decision was made for you. Thinking of you.

Lesley and Indi
What a sad day for you Jane. We are so sorry.

Keeping you in our thoughts. You did everything you could. Run free Smoky.
So Sorry to hear of your luvly Smoky Jane, what a guy he was--eager eager, i still bare the scares from catchin this boy at the finish line, but a real gent walking back to your van.! RIP Smoky, Scoobs & Emma xx
so sorry to hear about smokey. he was a lovely dog. we all grow so close to our dogs their passing is hard. be strong. thinking of you.

dave, lynne and the conway girls xxx
So sorry to read that poor Smokey had to be PTS thinking of you Jane

RIP Smokey run free boy
Oh so sorry Jane to hear about dear Smokey. As you say, no decision to be made.. you know he had a super life and will be missed by all his family and friends. My love and thoughts.. Gill and the Darklings xx
So sorry to hear about this, he was a lovely lad ....... Jacob and Smokey always had such a tussle on the lure which made us smile (once we'd managed to catch them ;) ) ....R.I.P Smokey xx
Sorry for your loss Jane he was a good servant and companion for you rip smoky
So very sorry to hear about Smoky Jane. Like you said brave as a lion on the track but as soft as a lamb inbetween racing. I have fond memories of him jumping all over us, trying to give kisses and you always telling him to get down. We are thinking of you.

RIP Smoky. Run free.
Sorry to hear your sad news Jane, Happy Days was a stunning dog

Thinking of you at this sad time

All The Satins
Sorry to read this Jane, but undoubtedly the right decision. It doesn't get any easier does it :(

RIP Smoky
Oh Jane, so sorry to hear this. I know Smoky was a special dog for you and I am remem

bering many a time catching for you and attempting a Smoky lure removal. This is such a sad week, dogs that my Arch raced with moving on. It just makes you realise what a short time they are with you for and reminds you to enjoy every moment. God bless Smoky, with love the Magical boys x
Thank you all so much for your kind words. It makes it all a tiny bit better..................
