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Had To Laugh


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Was in the co op this morning buying my mint imperials, theres this lady cleaner in there called Ethel, just acquantancies, anhow she's mopping the floor, wot a bloody performance, so i takes the mop off her and began to mop the floor for her to Barry white thumpin out, i could see she was up for it, so i chucked down the mop grabbed hold of her and began to give it wot for, even the manager cracked out laughing, whoooooooo doggyyyyyyyyyyy
pmsl...........what are you like keithy, mind you i've been known to dance down the street must to my daughters disgust :- "
:- " My sister showed me up by dancing Max Wall style thru the local shopping centre when a brass band was playing (w00t) :b I suppose youre all gonna ask who Max Wall was? :lol: (im showing my age!! :blink: )
littlenell said:
:- " My sister showed me up by dancing Max Wall style thru the local shopping centre when a brass band was playing (w00t)   :b I suppose youre all gonna ask who Max Wall was? :lol: (im showing my age!! :blink: )
Max wall, pmsl, yeh i remember him, now why did your sister show you up, its called life enjoy it i say, many a time come the weekend theres bands of some sort beltin it out, pan pipes is wot i like, there was this bunch of south americans, peruvians or summat playing pan pipe music, so i pan piped my piggin goolies off to em, love ittttttttttt


midlanderkeith said:
Was in the co op this morning buying my mint imperials, theres this lady cleaner in there called Ethel, just acquantancies, anhow she's mopping the floor, wot a bloody performance, so i takes the mop off her and began to mop the floor for her to Barry white thumpin out, i could see she was up for it, so i chucked down the mop grabbed hold of her and began to give it wot for, even the manager cracked out laughing,  whoooooooo  doggyyyyyyyyyyy

:lol: Thats made me laugh!!!!!!! :lol: good on you keith :thumbsup:
Lanakeshena said:
midlanderkeith said:
Was in the co op this morning buying my mint imperials, theres this lady cleaner in there called Ethel, just acquantancies, anhow she's mopping the floor, wot a bloody performance, so i takes the mop off her and began to mop the floor for her to Barry white thumpin out, i could see she was up for it, so i chucked down the mop grabbed hold of her and began to give it wot for, even the manager cracked out laughing,   whoooooooo  doggyyyyyyyyyyy

:lol: Thats made me laugh!!!!!!! :lol: good on you keith :thumbsup:

Your avatar reminds me of jill
midlanderkeith said:
Lanakeshena said:
midlanderkeith said:
Was in the co op this morning buying my mint imperials, theres this lady cleaner in there called Ethel, just acquantancies, anhow she's mopping the floor, wot a bloody performance, so i takes the mop off her and began to mop the floor for her to Barry white thumpin out, i could see she was up for it, so i chucked down the mop grabbed hold of her and began to give it wot for, even the manager cracked out laughing,   whoooooooo  doggyyyyyyyyyyy

:lol: Thats made me laugh!!!!!!! :lol: good on you keith :thumbsup:

Your avatar reminds me of jill

You can see their sisters cant you i have thoguht that before on your piccys of jill some of her expressions are just the looks i get form my Honey! :lol: yes those looks :- " :lol:
midlanderkeith said:
Was in the co op this morning buying my mint imperials, theres this lady cleaner in there called Ethel, just acquantancies, anhow she's mopping the floor, wot a bloody performance, so i takes the mop off her and began to mop the floor for her to Barry white thumpin out, i could see she was up for it, so i chucked down the mop grabbed hold of her and began to give it wot for, even the manager cracked out laughing,  whoooooooo  doggyyyyyyyyyyy

Well done Keith :lol: :lol: bet that made her day :thumbsup:

My hubby lifted me up and dumped me in a freezer at tesco's :oops: you should have seen the other shoppers faces :wacko:

He's always doing dafted things

midlanderkeith said:
Was in the co op this morning buying my mint imperials, theres this lady cleaner in there called Ethel, just acquantancies, anhow she's mopping the floor, wot a bloody performance, so i takes the mop off her and began to mop the floor for her to Barry white thumpin out, i could see she was up for it, so i chucked down the mop grabbed hold of her and began to give it wot for, even the manager cracked out laughing,  whoooooooo  doggyyyyyyyyyyy

Well go on the Keith ask for the CCTV and put it on her LOL :cheers: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: (w00t) (w00t)
Aww Keith...We could do with you in our Co-op !!!! (w00t) (w00t)

Laughed at Lilibet too....An ex boyfriend ( Fireman) once ( a long time ago ) picked me up in a firemans` lift and dropped me in a huge big puddle right in the middle of the street because I had been cheeky ..Who ? ...Me ???.....Right ....and then he proceeded to `rescue` me in another firemans` lift ! ....Humphhhh...... he was about 6` 2" and I`m only 5 feet !.....

Everyone thought it was hilarious.....That`s because their `behind` wasn`t all soggy and wet and muddy and *I* was supposed to look so `hot`..Yeah ..right !

Notice I said `ex` ...... :- " :- " :- " It was funny though !! I did laugh too but it didn`t do him any good....he got the big heave ho :rolleyes: