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H.o.e Open Cancelled

paul bywater

New Member
Reaction score
Hi all , it is with regret that the Heart of england autumn open has been CANNCELED due to problems outside our control, we appolagise for any innconveinence caused & a full refund will be given on entries that have already been receieved. Would all clubs pass this message on to there members & othere clubs who do not use this site , thankyou. Heart of england would like to thank the Northern p.w.r.c for there offer of help , support & "back up " on the problems weve had recentley & also would like to thank Barbara of Old hall w.r.c for her help & advice . If anybodys got any probs could you please contact me or Ann Brown , thanks Paul ( p.s sorry about the spelling - again)
Damn! Sorry to hear its come to this Paul. Good luck on resolving the issues.
Hi Paul, Sorry to hear it's come to this due to a couple of tossers who like the majority buy into the countryside then want to change it.

Good look at sorting them out,
Hey Paul, Just been watching Bargain Hunt on BBC? Cath Batten kept that quiet! seeing as she won does that mean the biscuits will be on her when you get running again?
hi mark , **it i missed that , the buiscuits will be on her & the tea bags :D