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Gutted !!! White Chipmunk Casper Has Escaped


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As most of you know I have a couple of Chipmunks Woody and Casper.....well seems like they both decided to have a wander around

on Saturday and we discovered the cage slightly ajar... :eek: Anyway I managed to coax Woody the brown one back towards the cage (hes the tamer one)

but Ive hunted high and low and there is still no sign of Casper...

The part of the house where they are kept is an empty shop and the door leads to a passage and to the back door into the garden :( seems like my son

went in there several times on Saturday after Id fed them....and didnt see anything at all, so Im wondering if hes fled outside somewhere.

Ive left the door open into my garage as my rabbits and guinea pigs live in there, and there is food around.


Please send me some good vibes in the hope that he maybe turns up safe and well......Im beginning to loose hope now though... :(
Oh No Janis :eek: I'm so sorry

Sending all the good vibes i can muster that he is found safe and well very soon

What a shame. Hope he turns up for you :luck:

Oh Janis, I'm so sorry about this happening :(

I'm keeping everything crossed and sending positive thoughts for Casper's safe return :thumbsup:
:( how sad, fingers crossed he turns up in with the bunnies :luck: :luck: :luck:
got evevrything crossed here and sending positive thoughts that jasper finds his way home soon :luck: :luck: :luck:
hope you find casper soon janis :luck:
Chin up Janis, dont think the worst yet.

He could well turn up :huggles:
hope he is home soon janis :huggles:
Sending lots of positive vibes your way Janis :)

Hope Casper turns up safe and sound :huggles:
:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: Janis :huggles:
:( :( Oh no, I do hope Casper turns up safe and well. You must be really worried for him, poor little lad. I've got my fingers crossed for you :)
Oh no, sorry to hear this has happened, its gut wrenching when pets go missing and Casper's a little beauty. Praps he's just frightened himself and hes lying low for a few days. do hope you find him :luck:
try not to panic janis my friends kids had chipmunks that they were forever letting out they always used to return in the end i just hope casper turns up for you :)
Poor you Janis, and Poor Casper. I hope he turns up safe and well soon. :luck: :luck: :luck:

Poor you, Janis. :( :( I do hope little Casper comes home. :luck: :luck: :luck: