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Gutted Just Gutted

Mike from Hereford

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I,ve just become the owner of 2 Dog whippets.(Blues)Really looking to our days out together hunting.Then the Hare coursing Ban begins on 18th Feb.

The prime reason I,m miffed about is I,ve just managed some more hunting permission not a problem you may think, apart from the fact the farmer mentioned there were 11 hares in one field !!!

Ok its rabbit haven and the Blues Brothers will have plenty of sport/courses, but I, will always miss the spectacle of Hare Coursing.

Rabbits it is then.

Unless of course you are out ferreting with your dogs when a Hare accidentaly gets coursed :unsure: :- " what can you do? you weren't intending to chase a hare but it just happened.

Legally you are covered because any prosecution would have to prove intent.

Of course I'm not encouraging you to decieve anyone and break the law, just stating the facts.

Any pics of your two Blues?
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Yep Murphys right, Carry a ferret and you are fine as all you intend to do is ferret rabbits (DONT YOU!) like Murphy says you cant help it if your dogs cant tell the differance. :- "

Thats what I intend to do. o:)
Theres photos on the Whippet General Discussion forum. And the Rabbit Hunters web site. There 13 weeks old this friday.I,ve had some good days recently ferreting, with some first class courses.I,ll try and get the camera out in the near future.Hopefully tonight will provide some decent photos ?Have got a lamping night tonight now the wind and rain has returned to Herefordshire, we will use a deerhound x greyhound (Otty) hes awesome on the lamp.The fields were in tonight are dead flat and you can see the rabbits squatting from a fair distance.

The Hares will I,m sure increase in population, which means more chances of a "Accidental" course.The ferrets up till now this winter have been worth their weight in gold so far.The hours handling them since young uns, is paying dividends, I also walk them with the Whippets just so the friendship/working relationship is created early.The four of them share the same dish at feeding times.They have even snoozed up against each other.

When do you stop ferreting in your area, its just I,ve been chatting and reading of people who use them all year round.Maybe using a muzzle start of March.

Any suggestions to get rid of Ticks off the ferrets, its the downside of going into the fields.

I sighted a fox at the end of my front path, this was at 3pm, a strange incident for us as we live about 1 mile from any decent fields.Charlie must be getting bolder in his search for easy food.I know they have been sighted at our KFC delving into bins.They use the railway line for easy access in/out of Hereford.

looking forward to watching some whippet racing Boxing Day.

Have a great Christmas, Happy Hunting,

Mike from Hereford said:
Any suggestions to get rid of Ticks off the ferrets, its the downside of going into the fields.
Could you not use Frontline spray like we use on the dogs?? Or is it toxic to Ferrets, perhaps ILKC could confirm
Unfortunately, there isn't a licensed product available for using on ferrets, however I did come across this link where one individual recommended frontline

but I have also come across info that frontline is fatal when used on rabbits. I think the best thing to do is check with your vet, unless ILKC pops onto this post.
Backdoors, easy boys, entrance, has been used, but the larger Ticks remain. I,ll try chemical products, but at the moment the pugs are doing Very Well.

56 rabbits last few days,


p.s Hope you supported your local Hunt !!