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Gum disease! will she live?


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Hello people,

New user here,

I am desperately needing an advice, please kindly help.

I have a 10 yrs old yorkie mix, who always had dental problems.

When she was about 4 I took her to vet asking if they'd do tartar removal, and they said tartar's not too bad, so I left it as was. She's been checked up by the same vet regularly and each time they didn't show any concerns for her teeth.

About 2 yrs ago she stared to lose teeth, and stopped eating for a day and start again etc. The vet then said all they can do is to extract bad teeth. But it can be risky using anaesthetic due to her age. Their advice was that unless she stops eating for days it's not life threatening.

As she was eating I didn't book her in for extraction and kept eyes on her eating habit.

Recently she has been eating ok but last night I happened to peel her mouth open to check her teeth, and to my horror I found all her remaining bottom front teeth are showing their base!! He lower gum has melted!! All teeth there move about!!

She is still eating her kibbles, and seems ok and healthy otherwise so vet now told us to come in in 4 days time for treatment (extraction, I think.)

My question;
is this life threatening? Will we have to put her down? :( :(

I am panicking, and so worried. Please advise.
I'm sure she will be fine- the vets will probably do blood tests to check her kidneys, and listen to her heart and chest before he suggests extraction under anaesthesia. My old cat had teeth extracted two years ago, and she will be 20 next month!

She will be much happier without her teeth if they are causing her discomfort, although you may have to feed softer food than she is used to. Some dogs seem more prone to gum disease and teeth problems than others- it is not always diet related, although raws bones and dental treats can help. Your vet will be able to suggest the best way to help her dental problems :luck: Good luck
Hello there - welcome to Dog Forum!

I know lots of cats who have survived without any teeth at all, so I am sure its the same with dogs?

Has she seen the vet today? Has he given her anything for the pain?

((hugs)) Lets see a picture of your princess!
Hi there,

Thank you both for your kind advices. My avatar is of my baby :)

She has not seen her vet today and doesn't seem to be suffering from any pain at the moment (how?? I'd be crying like a baby ifmy jaw melted!!)

and also eating just fine.

I just hope this didn't spread to any organs and vet can fix her soon. I will keep you posted of the progress.

Thank you again :)
calm yourself she be ok, start putting your foot down and ask the vet what is the best thing to do, but the price of such actions aint cheap, now if you can afford it tell your vet to hurry up, mine had six out at the age of ten and came through ok. :thumbsup:
Thank you.

My baby is eating and jumping up and down just fine :)

I will calm down and see the vet on Moday and have the right treatment.

I am sure it will be expensive, but I will do whatever is the best.
Just catching up with this.

I wish your little one the best, I am sure she will adapt to life without teeth. Just means she will need to eat soft foods as mentioned above.

Keep us posted!
Awww, you sound lovely.

Don't panic - I'm sure everything will be ok! :)

I had a cat with no teeth at all, and he ate with no problems.
Hi People!

My baby had her treatment done today, came back all dozy, with two shaven legs(!) but is now fine :) :) :)

The vet had one look and said,

"Yep, we would do the work, today. Come back to pick her up this evening."

and off she went.

10 hrs later my girl was eating her tin food dinner after losing 6 teeth! (Attagirl!)

The vet is doing some blood test still, and gave us antibiotics for gum infection, but overall it went well :)

(and the bill was just over £200, it's a miracle, as we were quoted almost £300 at the last consultation. They also did the cleaning on rest of the teeth.)

She will need some time to get used to not having front teeth at all, which were kind of like "buck teeth" before and always made me giggle when she was sleeping, (she looked like that donkey character from Shrek!)

but when fully recovers she can eat the usual kibbles and all, the vet told us.

Thank you everyone for the great support, I was really relieved to see assuring messages here.

:D :) :D :)

wahey! Brilliant news! She sounds like a right little trooper, must be so good to have all the worry behind you,

bless her, give her a little pat from me, x
Fabulous news!

Sometimes things just need to be done and that's irrelevant of whether there are risks to the procedure, I'm glad that your vet saw this and took prompt action.
its a shock when they lose so many teeth but they can survive,
Great- really pleased everything went well :thumbsup: And hope you are feeling very relieved :sweating:
Thank you everyone,

I am pleased to report that she is continuing to recover well,

eating recovery tin food, taking meds,

playing and running around as normal.

Doesn't act like she had any major treatment!

Will start giving her little bit of kibbles from tonight mixed with recovery tin food.

Thanks again so much, everybody :) :)
Dogs are pretty resilient at times and do adapt well to most situations.

Glad she's on the mend!

Keep us posted!