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Gucci's Found A New Snoozing Place


Cesar Millan's next wife
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Here she is in her new chilling spot :p
and if she gets a bit bored of just looking cute, she can spy on the fishes (well not anymore as i managed to poison my poor fishes last week i was devastated, so now i just have a tank with a boat in and some plants-very dull!)
and here's a few of her just being Gucci and being still which is quite unusual (w00t)
awwwwwwwwwwwww alice is so cute. like her new chilling out place :wub:
:thumbsup: Really great pictures, she looks lovely. :wub:
AWwww Alice is lovely :wub: :wub: you must buy some more fish so she has plenty to look at :thumbsup:
Gucci looks so sweet :wub: i expect she's wondering where all the fish have gone :(

Caz x
Lovely pictures :wub: :wub:

I know the feeling about the fish - I keep them too and water round here is so temperamental - came hoe from Ibiza last August to find my 12" catfish had died along with 2 really big Angelfish and afterwards my 2 gorgeous Silver dollars died.

hers a couple of pictures (hope you dont mind)

AND THIS LAD ... was about 12" long.

and now my big tank stands EMPTY too .... Ive even missed then - those dollars and angels had funny characters believe it or not. :teehee:

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:( God that's awful, what is your water like then what is the problem with it?? I have had problems with the pH recently not sure why but i had got it under control and all the fish were thriving.

My disaster was caused by me being a silly mare really-the top of the tank has become a kind of storage place, my Harry came back from a party with those bubble blowing little tub thingies that weren't bubbly enough so i poured loads of fairy liquid in. Anyway the lid wasn't put on properly and it somehow tipped over during the night and leaked into the tank, killing everything. What a distressing sight in the morning when we came down and saw the aftermath, what a horrible death they must have had :( I tell you when i siphoned off the water there were bubbles everywhere :eek: What an idiot for putting bubbles on top of the tank.

Anyway have had to strip the tank right down and start from scratch with bacteria levels in the filter etc, have just started adding a few fish. I didn't lose anything particularly unusual but had several Pictus, Pengasius and Shark catfish which were so fantastic and were looking so healthy.....and some Angels i bought at small as my thumb which were growing lovely....

Oh well we learn from our mistakes...
BTW fantastic photos, what stunning fish have you any more photos?? What size is your tank?( :oops: perhaps we need a fishkeeping forum soon!!!!!)
Janimal said:
I know the feeling about the fish - I keep them too and water round here is so temperamental - came hoe from Ibiza last August to find my 12" catfish had died along with 2 really big Angelfish and afterwards my 2 gorgeous Silver dollars died.
She reminds me of my old cat, who used adopt the same, fish-viewing position!

Yes, I'm really missing my fish, keep sneaking into the aquatics section and fancying stuff. I can hear the OH saying 'what do you want more fish (dogs, ducks, chickens etc) for, you've got plenty of animals as it is'

Don't remember having problems with water when I was keeping them though, although my parents did insist the tank was switched off everynight :blink: (being of the 'pull out all the plugs every night' and 'too mean to waste money on electricity' generation). I don't think they really understood principles biological filtration. Fish survived ok though, the tank had a big enough volume to compensate for fluctuations I think :blink:

If I had one wish it would be to go back and swop my parents for some proper ones :(

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gina said:
I didn't lose anything particularly unusual but had several Pictus, Pengasius and Shark catfish which were so fantastic and were looking so health
Bad luck! We've all dropped things in the water (in my case usually lighting starters, fortunately not while turned on (w00t) - amazingly they still work if you dry them out!

If I started again, I'd just go for a shoal of one variety, neons, congo tetras or even pictus dep. on size of tank (maybe with a lovely plec like the one above :wub: )

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