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Greyhound Walking Problem


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Have just got an ex racing greyhound from a reliable source. She is settling in beautifully to the family home. For the first few days all was well and walks were easy and fun. For the last few days though she will go so far and the simply stops and nothing will make her continue. I have tried treats, going the other way and then turning in a circle, throwing treats slightly ahead of her but nothing will make her continue. It is a real shame as she is such a gorgeous good natured dog and all i want is for her to enjoy her walks.

Any ideas
she just need her confindence bulding up do you hve a frend with another dog that can walk with you. and to be honist some just dont like it our minnie was fined when she was younger but after her 5th birthday she just didnt like going for walks theres nothing wrong with her she jumps and playes in the gardne she just doent like walks at all and shes now nearly 11. if she realy has to go out she wont go at all on her own but will plud along sulking with another dog with her. first thing i would do is get her checked over to make sure shes no aches or pains or corns somthing that could be making walks uncomfortable for her
I volunteer for a greyhound rescue and we've had this problem once before with one of the rehomed greys. In kennels, greys are used to walking in the same places and always with other dogs. Your grey probably needs the safety of a pack while she gets used to her new world. As fallenangel has said, you need to find a walking buddy or two to accompany you on walks for a while. If you say where you are, there may be someone on here with a more confident dog who could meet up with you. Just make sure she is safe with small fluffy dogs before you get your mate to bring a Shi Tzu along ;) . Other sighthounds work best - another grey, lurcher or whippet?
If she's only been there a few days I really wouldn't worry about it for now, and definitely don't pressurise her into going out. Racing greyhounds have so little experience of 'normal life' that she could easily have been spooked by something on her walk that you weren't aware of. I'd give her a day or two (or longer if she needs it) to chill before gently trying again.

Walking with another dog is definitely a good idea if you have someone who will walk with you. If you have a car you could also try encouraging her into the car and drive her somewhere then get her out for a short walk somewhere quiet, most greys seem to love going out in the car.

Above all try not to worry too much or she'll sense that you are tense about her not going out and that will make things worse. It's early days - she has an awful lot to get used to in a new home, and she will come round in her own time.

Loads of luck with her - please let us know how you get on :luck:
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Thank you all for your advice. Touch wood I think the problem is sorting itself out. The fair was in town last week and although she couldn't see it, I think that the noise of the people shouting etc spooked her and made her wary of going out. Now that the fair has gone and with lots of encouragement she seems to be getting back into her stride. Hopefully we will all be able to enjoy the walks again.

We took her foe a walk with the other rescue greyhound at the weekend and she was perfectly happy so we can always tyr and find someone else to go with us as weel.

Thank you again for your thoughts