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Greyhound Stealing Food - More Than Usual!!

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My gorgeous greyhound has recently started stealing food from the bin, the worktops, my bag - anything from where ever she can - including 2 advent calendars!!

She has always been a scavenger but recently it has got much worse. She does not eat her food [alpha] so I assume she is not hungry. The only other thing that has changed is that I am not able to come home at lunchtimes anymore so she is on her own for longer periods of the day. Not sure whether this could be the problem,any ideas?

Merry Christmas!!

i feed first thing in the morning not a large amount but sum to get them through, like you say greyhounds are that way with food, plus its winter time they seem to burn more.
Boredom makes them behave like this. If she is being left over 4 hrs, which is the max. You say you are working longer hours and that would account for the change in behaviour.

Is there no body you could get to call in and walk her?
dogs should be able to go past 4 hours its all in the training, a big walk before you go out not a 10 minute round the block will really really help it has done for me in every dog ive had..