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I've just joined the forum and thought I'd say hi and introduce you (virtually) to my dog, Rodney, as we may be asking a lot of questions!

Rodney (he came with the name) is a gorgeous 2 year old BC cross that we got from a home about 4 months ago. He hasn't had the best start in life and while I don't think he was physically abused he was never properly socialised and as such is quite nervous and can display fear aggression, which ended up in him being in a dog's home for about 6 months. He was adopted a few months before we got him, but then returned after 3 weeks because they couldn't cope with him.

He has calmed down massively even in the few months we have had him, but can still be uptight and react by barking/lunging if he feels people are invading his space. He is not fond of bikes or joggers and absolutely loathes those scooters that children have, coupled with fast moving children this is probably his worst trigger! New things, even inanimate objects, can seem to have it in for him and get a damn good barking at! This means that we have had to get used to people looking at us like we are the worst owners in the world and need to get some control of our rabid dog! He's also a bit of a barker - not my favourite thing in a dog.

On the plus side, he is the soppiest, most loyal, loving dog when in the house and has definitely bonded well with me and my OH. We are seeing a behaviourist and attending training classes (with the same person) and would love to get him into agility when he is a bit more chilled out and can cope with the world a bit better.

Sorry for the long introduction, but if anyone has any general tips or advice on rehabilitating a nervous dog they would be greatly appreciated!


Hello - ahhh you managed it!

Well done!

Welcome to Dog Forum - I am looking forward to getting to know you better :)