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Green Eyed Monster


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as u prob know from the love of dog thread i was in the vets with dana yesterday. im sorry to say i assaulted her with a tuggy rope :( we were messing about on the bed and i wafted the rope over her head at the same time she jumped to grab it and is koshed her in the eye :(

as u can imagine im not the flavour of the month right now esp when i gotta but antbiotic cream in her eye twice a day :(

so may i present, for you entertainment live from peasley cross....the green eyed monster....and a few cute camping pics (w00t)
awwwwwwwwww :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
ah, bless! get well soon baby :luck:
Don't they just know how to make you feel guilty :blink:
oh yeah and she is sooooo milking it. she will run round the house all fine and then greet people at the door with

" look at my poorly eye, i cant open it. SHE DID IT TO ME, give me love"

bless her :wub:
I've been get the cold shoulder from Inca all day because I changed her bandage this morning.

She's been really loving to the OH and giving me "the look" (w00t)
that does look sore poor baby,hope she is better soon :wub: :wub:
its much better today hun and all that really manky green stuff was dye to see if i had damaged her eye ( i havent thank the gods ).

i know what u mean by the look hun ive had it all day too, and after what we saw in the vet all ive wanted to do was hug her but she is having none of it....i have truely been punished :(
She'll come round, Inca usually takes a good day to forgive me.

And then when it comes to changing it again on Monday we'll be back to square one (w00t)
oh what a terrrible mummy you are! (w00t) poor, poor, baby dana,how could you! :eek: i think she ought to come and live with me. ;) id never belt her one in the eye like that! :- " come to aunty kris dana, steak and chips whenever you want hun! :wub: :thumbsup:
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im pleased to say that dana got the all clear today :D although she still has the hump with me for taking her the vets (w00t)