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Great New Mating


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think what should be a great lining took place this morning :thumbsup: tinkerman mated colin and alisons top brood bitch florence, should be some more champs here good luck to all concerned :luck: :luck: gary and stella traveled here last night for the weekend so will do it again tommorow ;)
shud b some good ones there. interseting mating. good luck to all concerned :luck:
excelent choice of stud dog ;) ,wishing you all, the best of luck. :thumbsup:
Great choice of stud tinkermans thown some fantastic dogs & bitches florence top brood bitch got to be winners !!!
Top choice alison and col I do like tinkerman to greyhound good luck with mating
:thumbsup: well done


top brood bitch for the next 5 years eh!! :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:
thats gonna be more pics with farmer on then :- best of luck everyone :luck:
good luck with the mating, after the pups tink has thrown to ghd,s and florence been well proven should make for class pups,
Best of Luck :luck: Should be good :thumbsup:
ive decided i really like men opps sorry thought i was on facebook (w00t)
i cant beleive you but allways had a feeling lol that will teach you not to log out when your on my laptop lol couldnt resist ;)
Good luck with this mating should be great :luck: :luck: Vicki & Mick xx
:luck: :luck: to all concerned this is breeding at its very best sure to be more champs here for gary colin and alison GO AND HAVE A DRINK ON ME COLIN. :thumbsup: