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Great Day At Andover

maureen mitchell

New Member
Reaction score
Thankyou to every one at Andover for a lovely day. :))

Special thanks to Angie & Mick for the loan of their dogs to clear Izzy for racing.

Mark and committee you have done a great job on the new track. :thumbsup:

Lot's of friendly banter and weather was good to us, just a bit chilly.

Finished off the day with a lovely Roast dinner in pub with friends. What more can you ask for on Mum's day. :))
We agree with you Maureen, a lovely day! :))

Congratulations to you both & Izzy for passing her clearance trials.

Some quality races today and some close looking finals, nice to have a longer distance to run over too.

Well done to the winners, see you all next week :thumbsup:
Me too, maureen. Lovely day.. thank you Andover. really enjoyed myself