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Grass allergy


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Our dog suffers from an allergy which starts when the grass begins to grow in early Spring and continues throughout the year right through till winter starts. So this isn't an allergy to pollen but to the grass itself. He only needs to walk across grass and he has an itchy rash on his belly (he's a near to the ground!) and he starts chewing his feet. We minimise the problem using a cream from Hilton Herbs and Dermacton socks and a cone-shaped collar to stop him chewing when necessary. He is kept on a simple diet of meat, brown rice and a few vegetables. We have also tried homeopathic sulfur and evening primrose oil.

In theory, all we have to do is keep him off grass for 9 months of a year but we live in the country with acres of land...and can't even let the poor little lad in the garden. It really is so unfair. As far as we are aware, he doesn't go on grass with fertilizers or pesticides on...certainly, there's none on our grass.

It's been worse this year and we are wondering whether it is just the weather or if he might have built up a resistance to the flea treatments like Frontline

Does anyone have a similar problem with their dog...and more importantly, have they discovered a solution.

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hi I have noticed horses suffer allergies too and they use a cloth clothing just an idea but look it up may help a little I know its hard for your little one to stay off grass after all that's what doggies do . good luck
Poor thing, frontline is rubbish nowdays anyway so try another if ur on it as flees are gettin amune to it.
Maybe try giving his feet a good wash down when you get in from a walk. Have you spoken to the vet about this ?
I know on Amazon you can get little booties if his paws are affected, and possibly get a coat or jumper to protect his belly. He might look a little bit daft but it's better than having him in pain or kept inside the house.
Get him referred to a veterinary dermatologist for allergy testing, I have a red raw itchy beagle at the moment not paws though under his neck and armpits, he is on piriton and Malaseb shampoo until our referral appointment comes through. My vet reckons around £300 for the full allergy testing to be carried out, then possibly auto-immune vaccinations will be made up for him once we know exactly what grasses/pollens he is allergic too. Take him to your vet there are many things they can try to relieve his symptoms, Steroids, Atopica, Piriton etc etc that do not cost an absolute fortune if he is not insured.

Frontline should have nothing to do with his allergies/intolerances as if that were the problem then he would show the reaction on his skin where you apply the spot-on.

Good Luck, I will update you when I have had my appointment.