About a week to ten days ago I noticed a few spots of blood in one of the rooms, I naturally accused my husband of having a nosebleed/cutting himself/generally messing up the carpet but then noticed some days later, another couple of spots on one of the throws on the sofa. I checked for cut paws etc but all dogs and cats intact and then the penny dropped. I Cranked up Gracie's tail for closer inspection (much to her disgust) but actually saw absolutely nothing. She is spending a bit more time around her rear end and she is weeing a lot more and having accidents around the house but I had put this down to the anti-biotics that she has had been on. I keep checking but her vulva hasn't swelled and I have not actually seen any blood on her so maybe I am barking up the wrong tree. She will be 9 months tomorrow so it is feasible but has anyone any thoughts? I wonder if any of her sisters have had their first season - Rowan, Holly, Emmy?
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