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Got My Bone Marrow Results


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I dont have cancer, i dont have cancer la li lali la (w00t)

well thats a whole world of relief! and i finally have a diagnosis.....wait for it....

essential thromibocythaemia

now say that 3 times fast (w00t) its mild at the moment so i dont need any treatment for it yet and it only took them a year to find out :blink: bloody good job it aint lukemia aint it :blink:
oh poo wrong section (w00t) can u tell im abit excited. could a mod please move to chit chat (w00t)
Thats fab news!

Must be such a relife for you and your family

Good for you!

God bless (it already has happened_)
thanks hunny :) we had abit of a get together when i got the news, its been a terrible 6 weeks waiting for the results. but were all good now :)
dana said:
I dont have cancer, i dont have cancer la li lali la  (w00t)
well thats a whole world of relief! and i finally have a diagnosis.....wait for it....

essential thromibocythaemia

now say that 3 times fast  (w00t) its mild at the moment so i dont need any treatment for it yet and it only took them a year to find out  :blink: bloody good job it aint lukemia aint it  :blink:

well pleased for you

keith :cheers: :luck:
dana said:
thanks hunny  :) we had abit of a get together when i got the news, its been a terrible 6 weeks waiting for the results. but were all good now  :)
Good for you!

Celebrate life everyday xxx
:huggles: Fantastic must be over the moon
Good news is just the best fix ever :D :) :D

So pleased you have a good result :thumbsup:

:cheers: Jane
(w00t) aww thats fantastic news ,enjoy life every day like its going to be your last is my moto :cheers:
Oh thats wonderful news!!! can't even imagine what its been like for you waiting to pleased for you :thumbsup:
thanks guys :)

i think ive lost my voice now though, ive screamed myself raw watching the rugby COME ON THE SAINTS!
so glad the results are negative Em,it must have been really worrying for all your family as well as you and Mort. :( now you can get on with moving into your new house. :huggles:
How great is that.... :cheers: :huggles: :luck:
That's fantastic news, so pleased for you :thumbsup:
GREAT news :D enjoy every minute, all the small things too, hope the house move goes well too :luck: :luck:
really pleased for your good news. must be a big relief for you, :luck: