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Got A Tough Decision Coming Up


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i have a 15 year old Devon Rex cat, Moki (his brother Gingko died a few months ago)

Moki has become incontinent (wee not poo) It only happens when he's asleep, when he's awake he uses the litter tray as normal.

I've spent the last couple of months in denial, whilst dealing with wet bedding every morning; maybe he's knocked his water bowl over? maybe he's sweating excessively? maybe a small water sprite has crept in and squirted him?

I have him booked in at the vets next week to talk it through with them and see if there is anything they can give him, or if he has an infection or something....though I'm thinking that's unlikely as he's not leaving puddles as he potters around.

I'm feeling dreadfu cuz in himself, he's absolutely fine - the same teddy bear cuddle monster he always was. But he's confined to the kitchen as i can't risk him falling asleep on a sofa or bed, which means he isn't getting the big hugs he needs.

has anyone else had this kinda problem, and more importantly, does anyone have any suggestions about what might help?

(Moving him outside isn't an option - Devons have very thin coats and the cold damp weather would be too cruel for him )

:( :( :( :( :(
My mam lost her 15 year old cat a few months ago...Topsy and she was becoming incontinent too towards the end. A few days before she died she kept taking herself off outside into the cold and drinking constantly and mam kept on bringing her inside... fortunately she died peacefully in her bed curled up....but this isnt always the case... :(

Its such a hard decision to make parting with any friend, and making that final decision. I think you always know by the 'look' I think, when that final decision has to be made.

I think quality of life is the main important thing.......has she got this in between her wetting sessions....have a chat with your vet, maybe there is some medication he could give her to help her in these possible last few months...who knows she may even have years left, but I think we owe them this in their latter years.

I feel for you, making such decisions, but Im sure you will do the right thing...

and good luck with Moki :luck: :huggles:
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Thanks Janis - I have noticed that he is drinking a huge amount, he empties his water bowl every night and it holds well over a pint. I think whats making me feel so bad is that the wetting isn't bothering him, but it's bothering me - my kitchen is starting to smell a bit piddly, despite my cleaning efforts, and i really can't cope with it. :(
Hi, I don't know if its that same with dogs and cats, but my mums old dog started to get a bit piddly. When she went to the vets they gave her a sort of liquid that you add to there feed or water. It stopped her from piddling and she lasted another 5 years to the grand old age of 19!! It was a stroke that eventually got her, but it was a bit expensive though.

I can ask my mum what the name of it is if you need to know, just drop me a line.
urchin said:
Thanks Janis - I have noticed that he is drinking a huge amount, he empties his water bowl every night and it holds well over a pint. I think whats making me feel so bad is that the wetting isn't bothering him, but it's bothering me - my kitchen is starting to smell a bit piddly, despite my cleaning efforts, and i really can't cope with it. :(
Has he been tested for kidney problems? If he's drinking a lot it could be his kidneys although he would most likely be off his food as well I would think. Our last whippet, Josh, was drinking a lot and leaving wet patches where he'd slept before he was diagnosed with kidney failure. Even if it is, the prognosis for cats is much better than that for dogs - they seem to go on a lot longer after diagnosis. Hope you can find out what the problem is and treat it. :luck: :thumbsup:
I know with dogs you use something called Phenylpropalanine and I don't think it's that expensive, but don't know if you can use it with cats. It works brilliantly and within days the incontinence stops. The fact that your cat is drinking lots would indicate kidney trouble, but to be honest, most cats of that age battle with their kidneys. Has he lost a lot of weight recently? That would also point towards the kidneys not functioning properly. Don't dispair, as already mentioned the prognosis for cats with kidney problems is far better than dogs. Hopefully a little medicine and he will be as good as new. Good luck :luck:
Thanks guys - kidneys a distinct possibility then? he's not lost weight but he really is a big lad so it might take a while to show. i used to work really hard with him to keep his weight down but over the last couple of years i've though well, he's an old man now - if you can't spread a little when you're old it's a bit sad.

i will defo talk kidneys with the vet on friday...if they can give him something to keep him comfy i'll be a very happy bunny
i will also suggest kidney failure

My cat 'jesse' aged 16 had to pts due to kidneys,she kept drinking alot ,weeing inside otherwise she was always clean indoors...then they begin to go off her food and then start to loose weight, sleeping alot

yes some vets may offer medication but when they're old its better that they have a quality of life than stuffing them with pills which theres no guarantee getting better

Also if you open the cats mouth...does it she drippling

IF it is her kidneys unfortually the syptoms gets worst over time so thats why we done the kindest thing which i know is upsetting..i saw a sudden change in my cat over several months..looking back she had suffered too long

see what the vet says when you take her

Good luck :luck: :luck: she sounds lovely :wub:
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:( sorry to hear about Moki. I hope your vet can do something for him.

It does sound as though he may have a kidney problem.

We had to make the decision to let our old ginger boy go a few months ago. He started bleeding from his mouth & was diagnosed with cancer in his jawbone. It grew at a frightening rate & 3 weeks later he couldn't eat properly or close his mouth fully :(

I think you need to see what the vet says & go from there. You will know what's right for Moki.

Good Luck :luck:

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just to say , im thinking of you :huggles:

you will know what to do when you need to , til then have chat and see what viable options there are :huggles: