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Gosh Being A Papillon Owner........


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papcroped.jpgPicked up papillon pup on monday............. god I feel so tired, if I am not in the same room as this pup he screams the place down....... I have spent most of this week on the sofa, because the breeder said he should be sleeping in his crate not on our bed.... that he would become too attached to me, so I should distance myself... but he cries and that would keep OH awake, he gets up for work at 5.00am! and 1 of our whippets... well lets just say I am having to watch him like a hawk.... twice he has looked at him growled and just gone to dive on him. I am scared to death they will do something to him... our 8 month old whippet pup wants to play, but he is initates playing by jumping in with both front feet.

I told my OH that I was going to take the papillion pup back to the breeder, but he says I am being silly, that he will settle down and they will ignore him..... what do you all think? I love the little guy, he is so cute and I know he would follow me to the end of the earth, but I don't know that I have done the right thing??????

HELP PLEASE just want some impartial advice please.
Sorry I've no advice ,just hope it all works our for you :luck: :luck: :luck:
just keep on trying. things will settle down. have you tried covering his cage? that seems to work for many pups. make sure the one who doesnt like him has space away, a chill out zone. and if i were you, i would move from the sofa. part of the barking/crying etc may be down to him knowing youre there. plus might cause resentment from the others, you showing favouritism. :luck:
lalena said:
just keep on trying. things will settle down. have you tried covering his cage? that seems to work for many pups. make sure the one who doesnt like him has space away, a chill out zone. and if i were you, i would move from the sofa. part of the barking/crying etc may be down to him knowing youre there. plus might cause resentment from the others, you showing favouritism. :luck:

Hi thanks for your advice, whippy who does not like him has space away from him I am not forcing them to be with him... but it is very tiring and upsetting hearing him whimper.... cry.... howl!!!! if he can see me he is fine! but I cannot be there 24/7 but I have to break him from this behaviour now! don't you agree?

I know that he has not been here long, but I did not expect it to be this hard.... I still make a fuss of the others... I don't have him on my lap, but I do the others... he can sleep/lay by me, I do give him cuddles but not in front of the others.
they know how to pull on your heart strings, dont they :lol: amber was like it when we got her, but we found ignoring (seemed to her, anyway....god the noise!) it had better results. if we went down stairs for any reason (down stairs toilet, fun!!) she would start up all over again :rant: its not dominance, more of a combination of getting used to a new environment and testing bounderies. set ground rules. his crate should be his own space, where he can go when he wants 'me time'.
He is a TOY BREED & totally different from a whippet!

I'm afraid ANY toy breed with a larger breed is difficult & unless you fully look into the breed first & are totally prepared there can be problems.

I am guessing that the reason the breeder has recommended he sleep in a crate is as not only what you have stated about him becoming to attached BUT its not a good idea for a Toy Breed to jump off a bed especially at this tender age. Papillions are quite fine boned like IG's & could result in a broken leg.

I'm afraid you are going to have to continue watching him like a hawk especially around your whippets.

They are NOT a rough & tumble dog, especially at this age, i dont know how much experience you have of Toy Breeds or whether you maybe have other Paps or another Toy Breed in the house??

Normally on the whole Toy Breeds HATE being confined to a crate in a room alone, if you can give them a good play before bedtime perhaps with a companion their own size then take them up to bed with you in a crate with Toys, chews, water etc, turn off the lights be firm but kind & let them know you are there with them in the room they will normally settle after a while.

nina said:
He is a TOY BREED & totally different from a whippet!
I'm afraid ANY toy breed with a larger breed is difficult & unless you fully look into the breed first & are totally prepared there can be problems.

I am guessing that the reason the breeder has recommended he sleep in a crate is as not only what you have stated about him becoming to attached BUT its not a good idea for a Toy Breed to jump off a bed especially at this tender age. Papillions are quite fine boned like IG's & could result in a broken leg.

I'm afraid you are going to have to continue watching him like a hawk especially around your whippets.

They are NOT a rough & tumble dog, especially at this age, i dont know how much experience you have of Toy Breeds or whether you maybe have other Paps or another Toy Breed in the house??

Normally on the whole Toy Breeds HATE being confined to a crate in a room alone, if you can give them a good play before bedtime perhaps with a companion their own size then take them up to bed with you in a crate with Toys, chews, water etc, turn off the lights be firm but kind & let them know you are there with them in the room they will normally settle after a while. 


I do not have any other toy breeds but the breeder said he should be fine with whippets.... but he is small and fluffy....... big ears! bunny looking perhaps to a disgruntled whippet.
I do not have any other toy breeds but the breeder said he should be fine with whippets.... but he is small and fluffy....... big ears! bunny looking perhaps to a disgruntled whippet.

Ok, i was just trying to establish how much experience you had of Toy Breeds.

Right, the only advice i can give you is:

They can be extremeley hard work.

They are quite different to larger breeds in their personalities, temperaments & their needs.

Without stating the obvious as you already know they are fairly fragile especially at a young age.

However, this does NOT mean to say they can't ever live happily alongside a larger breed. What it does mean is: a LOT of hard work, supervision & care & NEVER let the two run freely together without total supervision..

Toy breeds thrive on human companionship BUT this does not mean they must be carried everywhere. They love to be in the same room & be able to see you at all times BUT as with every dog there are times when they have to be left.

What i would do is, set his crate up in your bedroom. Each day, pick a time say midday whenever, make sure he has had a good play in the garden or where ever, a full tummy, then when he is ready for a sleep, pop him upstairs in the bedroom in his crate. At first you may have to stay in the room with him for 10 minutes or so. Maybe sit on the bed & read a book whatever. If he whinges or cries just be firm & let him know you are there but just keep repeating " good Boy in your bed". Maybe have a radio or TV playing softly in the background.

After a while he will give in & crash out, at this point, leave the room. Even if to start with its only for 15 minutes or so, but you will find that he gradually gets used to being in his crate, he will know that when he goes up to the bedroom it is for resting & hopefully this will get him used to sleeping at night time & be ok if you have to pop out in the day for shopping etc.

As he gets older & slightly larger & learns to retaliate to the whippets you will find they will not find it so amusing to pick on him. Having said that i dont know whether you have all males??

At this age, you have to be 100% vigilant at all times cos most Toy Breeds Know no fear & think everyone just wants to play but a playful pounce by an exuberant whippet can cause major damage to such a littlie, so the obvious is NEVER leave them alone unattended as i'm sure you dont, monitor all playtimes & any rough play from the whippets be firm, stop it at once & say sternly " GENTLY", stop the game immediately & once the whippet has calmed down give them a treat.

Good luck & i hope it works out for you :luck: :luck: :luck:
my bichon ,Leo, used to get really aggressive with our whippet.He is such a placid dog that i was shocked when he snapped at Jack.Even the cat joined in one day,couldnt believe it! They got better :))
Hi snapdogs, i have 2 lurchers and had a papillion untill recently, unfortunatley she was knocked down just before xmas :( i had her for nearly 8 years she was such a lovely wee dog with such a character, but imo the papillion are actually one of the hardier toy breeds. they are actually from the spanial family, but with their french name 'papillion' meaning 'butterfly' because of their butterfly like ears! evertime i took my lurchers out for walks she was never to be left behind and when my lurcher decided to go hunting throgh the hedges she would follow him right in, she was diffenetly no weakling! and they do like their long walks, :thumbsup:

i do understand ur papillion is a pup and it is a good idea to enclose her at night time as it is with any pup, :thumbsup:

here is a wee pic of our 'Mandy' b4 she died :)

Miss Madam said:
Hi snapdogs, i have 2 lurchers and had a papillion untill recently, unfortunatley she was knocked down just before xmas :( i had her for nearly 8 years she was such a lovely wee dog with such a character, but imo the papillion are actually one of the hardier toy breeds. they are actually from the spanial family, but with their french name 'papillion' meaning 'butterfly' because of their butterfly like ears! evertime i took my lurchers out for walks she was never to be left behind and when my lurcher decided to go hunting throgh the hedges she would follow him right in, she was diffenetly no weakling! and they do like their long walks, :thumbsup:

i do understand ur papillion is a pup and it is a good idea to enclose her at night time as it is with any pup, :thumbsup:

here is a wee pic of our 'Mandy' b4 she died :)

Bless, she looks GORGEOUS :wub:

So sorry for your loss :(

I have a friend whos OH breeds Paps and they are kept in cages stacked up in a dog room. The friend hates this and at every oppurtuntiy he lets them all out and lets them all run around the garden (w00t) (w00t) She goes mad. He is a bookmaker and has greyhounds.

I think that maybe your whippet would be growling at a puppy whatever the breed, not all whips are tolerant. Just be careful thats all. With regards the crying well you would expect that from any breed ubtil it settles in. Paps are graet little dogs, I would love one but couldnt be bothered to brush the coat. Tally lurcher has to look like a pikeys dog before she gets a brush and then she runs away (w00t)
hi there - sorry you are exhausted! I can imagine.. bit like having a new baby.

when you say -

but I have to break him from this behaviour now! don't you agree?
about him not being ready to be left alone.. well, I'm not sure? maybe it is early days yet for him and he needs more settling in time before he feels safe enough to be alone.

We rescued a whippet about 5 weeks ago, she's about a year old and she has only just this past couple of days stopped following me every time I go to the loo/kitchen... (and she hasnt slept alone yet either :ermm: ...)

Good Luck with her - I think she is adorable. I'd love to have a papillon. :luck: :wub: :luck:
ah, I love pappies! and I would love to have one, except for they are so bright that it would probably have us all wrapped around its little toe in no time! also, hairy ears - yuk! that is the only thing to put me off, cos I think that they are fantastic little dogs :wub:

with each of my dogs I have worried after I got them home, thinking if I have made a mistake or done the wrong thing, but I think I felt the same when I brought the kids home after giving birth too :- " I've read loads of people saying the same thing on here when they were planning or had just got a new addition to the household

don't worry too much, he will soon tell the others that he is a dog to be taken seriously (not the little bunny that you are thinking at the moment!)

just be careful when you are not there - yes you do have to leave him alone sometimes! - but above all, enjoy him!! :D

sorry, not much practical advice for you :wacko:

RIP Mandy :(
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thanks to all of your for your advice...... Today Sunday was not too bad really, he seems to be settling down can walk around the kitchen without being jumped on and he actually played with Breeze this evening will post some picckies tomorrow.

Again thanks to you all.

Dawn & Solo
Best of luck with your lovely new puppy :luck: - papillons are such dear little dogs, and bright as buttons - make fantastic mini-agility dogs too if you fancy a new pastime! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :p
Glad little Solo is starting to settle a bit, given more time you won't notice he's there,

well maybe not, after all he's an attention seeking toy dog (I've got one of them) (w00t) :thumbsup:
Good luck...hope Solo settles in with your other whippets. :luck:

I think it's quite common to feel very anxious when you bring a pup home and wonder if you have done the right thing. Getting the pup into a routine is the most important thing to do, and then all of a sudden things start to click into place. It takes a while for them to settle in. After about a fortnight I think you will start to feel a lot better about your Solo!

Adult whippets are so laid back, it's quite a shock to the system to get a pup again, espcially a breed that probably doesn't spend so much time sleeping as a pup too. (w00t) I went through this a few months back. I got through the initial anxious stage, but unfortunately things didn't work out with my Miniature Schnauzer and the pup.

He looks very cute. :wub: