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Goodbye Shambo

ha!just seen it on the news.althought theyve got an order to slaughter shambo they havent got a warrant to enter the premises on which he is kept as its a private premises they need on to enter.(wonder who was the idjeet who didnt know theyd need a warrant?) :- " so theyve gone off with their tails between their legs and are hoping to be able to get a warrant and come back.hope they dont get it! :thumbsup:
Won't that poor bullock be suffering though with Bovine TB :( and in reality it is infectious and should be PTS.
arggggghhh good old religon!!!! wonder if this case would be as paramount had this been a simple welsh farmer and this was his kids pet? :- "

the animal does have to be PTS for health risks and reasons, but what im most against is the constant comings and goings upsetting him!! the animal deserves a simple dignified death without so much media :rant:
posh totty said:
arggggghhh good old religon!!!! wonder if this case would be as paramount had this been a simple welsh farmer and this was his kids pet?  :- "

the animal does have to be PTS for health risks and reasons, but what im most against is the constant comings and goings upsetting him!! the animal deserves a simple dignified death without so much media  :rant:


I dont wish to be racist at all...but Ive had Muslims in at the farm where I work...wondering if we would sell them a single goat...........or sheep...

so they could use it in their religious slaughter in other words.... :angry:
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just sit back and wait for the outcry after this event has taken place???!!! :- "

i too am not racist but i do object to rules being blatantly broken on grounds of religon , of any type!!! :rant:

id like to know what would be the answer had this have been a plain old farmers pet, last of his line etc living alone (no other animals) with just the old boy and his wife caring for it??? :- "

let the deed be done with dignity, its a basic right for any living creature :rant:
why are you quoting the muslim faith in this case? :blink: these people are hindu not muslim! ;)
sorry in my case I was just meaning reagarding some religious beliefs....
sorry in my case I was just meaning as an example of some religious beliefs....

which has nothing to do with the animal having Bovine TB....
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well no it doesnt.tbh i could care less about shambo its just that ive seen a lot of crap written about bovine tb and when you look at papers written about it that arent written by tame government advisors theres a lot of discrepancies about this disease.for example it is known it can be treated by antibiotics,the tests are nototiously unreliable etc etc.there was uproar about the government wanting to kill all badgers in areas where its broken out . i think theyre taking a sledgehammer to kill a walnut.they need to do more research into tb and instead of slaughtering everything in sight try to cure instead of kill
kris said:
well no it doesnt.tbh i could care less about shambo its just that ive seen a lot of crap written about bovine tb and when you look at papers written about it that arent written by tame government advisors theres a lot of discrepancies about this disease.for example it is known it can be treated by antibiotics,the tests are nototiously unreliable etc etc.there was uproar about the government wanting to kill all badgers in areas where its broken out . i think theyre taking a sledgehammer to kill a walnut.they need to do more research into tb and  instead of slaughtering everything in sight try to cure instead of kill
Thats possibley true Kris, but it is in some cases like the Foot and Mouth...too

the farm where I work was the last to contract it in that particular area, and then only one or two sheep contracted it first a whole flock of around 1500 sheep went, jersey cows, llaamas, goats, highland cows etc all had to go as a result.....and they didnt have the disease. It was truly sickening... :(

at the end of the day the risks are just too high, and those laws are there to abide by.
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i think the government was also panicked into slaughtering everything in sight over foot and mouth.theyll do the same with bird flu if it ever gets a hold here.a lot of these government ministers take advice and if their advisers say well theres a small risk thats it!theyre so scared of making a decision that might have any comebacks.i guess thats the world weve created.everyone wants to sue anyone they think might be responsible.going back to the shambo case as the animal is held in isolation,the man who looks after his takes all the recommended precautions and the hindu temple is willing to pay for the antibiotic injections against tb(which they dont even know the animal has!) then im on the side of the temple in this! :thumbsup:
If the animal was proven NOT to have TB I would probably feel the same, but if it did have TB and other people and animals were at risk - its a totally different scenario.

Its like a friend of mine who wouldnt eat beef during the beef crisis....I thought this was a load of twaddle.......but would the parents of a child that died of CJD see this the same as I would. Most likely not....
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Reading this thread makes the old saying even truer: nothing divides

like, money ,politics and religion.

When so many humans are suffering due to the floods in this country I find the press to be once again sensationalizing trivia.

We all have our opinions but don't you find the press seem to be on another planet?

morganna said:
Reading this thread makes the old saying even truer: nothing divideslike, money ,politics and religion.

When so many humans are suffering due to the floods in this country I find the press to be once again sensationalizing trivia.

We all have our opinions but don't you find the press seem to be on another planet?


from what ive just read there was 100 protestors and the bull was taken away for culling, thats the bit i disagree with, why take him away from all he has known , he was different to other farmed cattle as he was in a very human enviroment, so he did deserve to die at the place he found home, he would have been stressed and couldnt have helped all the rent- a- mob protestors whom think nothing of the cause just the scrap and faces on news :rant:

lets hope job was done swiftly and without the pressure of media and wailing crowds :thumbsup: