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Good morning!


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Good morning.

My name is Chris and I come across your forum when I was looking for some stuff for my dog, so I thought i'd sign up and say hello!

My partner and I adopted a 5 year old Labrador Cross approximately 10 months ago. We got her from the RSPCA in Birmingham.

We had gone to visit a German Shepherd at the nearby Blue Cross but due to our inexperience felt he needed a home where they could deal with his problems properly.

We popped into the RSPCA and she chose us really. Every dog at the rescue was jumping, running and she just sat there looking at us. It's hard to believe she had spent two years of her live in various rescues across England and Wales.

Anyway, her name is Oreo and she is an affectionate dog. She loves her cuddles and attention, but she is also happy to go an sleep and doze around in the sun.

She has suffered with allergies since we have had her and I have learned so much in a short space of time.

Perhaps I can share my experience on here at some point?

Anyway that's us

I look forward to talking to some of you.

Thanks :)
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Hello Chris, welcome to Dog Forum, I am Anna!

I would love to see some pictures of Oreo and to hear of your experiences.

The thought of a dog living in different rescues for 2 years makes me feel so sad.. :(
Hello Chris, welcome to Dog Forum, I am Anna!

I would love to see some pictures of Oreo and to hear of your experiences.

The thought of a dog living in different rescues for 2 years makes me feel so sad.. :(
It is very sad isn't it?
As far as we know she was due to be put to sleep in Wales and someone took her and gave her to the RSPCA who moved her to Birmingham.

We suspect she was given up due to her allergies but we cannot be sure.

Here are a couple of photo's of Oreo after a day in the paddling pool in the summer.



And one more, teddy now deceased lol

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She is LOVELY!! She has the kindest eyes!!

It's wonderful when they choose us :)

Welcome to the board!!
Thanks for the welcomes.

It seems a pretty quiet site at the minute but has lots of registered users?

Has this place just opened, or just restarted?
It was primarily a greyhound/whippet site that was bought and has been relaunched as an all breed board...

This only happened a couple of months ago so we are very happy to see you :)

Please do bring friends etc as I am also looking out for some good posters to be moderators! :)
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Oh I see that explains the other sections of the forum!

I thought it odd not having other breads listed, silly me! Lol

I will certainly let people I know about this forum especially those with dogs :- )

The moderator thing sounds interesting!

Does this site have a twitter account?

:- )
Yep - we needs mods to be around a bit during the day/evening, to move posts if needed, respond to support requests and do some forum admin which includes moving posts around to appropriate forums.