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good luck tomorrow vicky


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A big GOOD LUCK TO VICKY!!!!!!...she is going into hospital tomorrow to eventually have her baby....given the choice between being induced tomorrow or xmas day she chose tomorrow (only cos she's got some serious drinking to do on xmas day :p the off license recession will end in astley..........the girls are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ).

so she can chuck away her gaviscon tonight because tomorrow she aint gonna need it anymore :D

good luck and tell kevin and youre mum to let me know ASAP!!!!!! and if they get fed up with robyn they can bring her round here!!!!!!!!!
I was just wondering Michelle if there were any fertility celabrations at Astley track in March. I know that the tent was supposed to be for bodies etc but i think that it may have been used for some long lost pagan festival that yourselves have rekindled. Whatever you have done it appears to be working well. All the best to Vicky for tomoz. Bet the Gin Pits takings have been down for a few months.
vicky has had a 7lb 10oz baby girl called ruby today.....apparently(according to nanna) mum and baby are fine. :D

WELL DONE VICKY!!!!!!!!!!! maddy has got her own little best mate now :p
vickys other halfs called we both had our babys in salford a partner is a almost unheard of :p .
good luck make sure u ask for everything u'll need it

pathidine and epurdule
I talked to Kevin at the Gin Pitt Lurcher show but could I remembver his name? :(
Just realised i havent replied - Thanks everyone for your congrats.

We got home yesterday dinner time & we're both doing brill, Robyn likes her new sister and the dogs have figured out there'll be an extra lot of dirty nappies so they're pleased and hovering about at every opportunity :b