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Good Deed Of The Day Backfired


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Just this min got back from down town, came across this toddler, bout 4 yr old, just stood there looking all around her, you could just tell she'd come adrift from her parents, so i watched her for a couple of mins until she began to cry, so i took her hand, looked around for her parents, nowt doing, i was beginning to feel uneasy no what im saying, so i headed for the police station not to far away, when all of a sudden, her mum came up going mental, could i convince her i was on my way to the police station could i buggery, a right piggin barny ensued i can tell you, should be on reigns, told me to feck off, so i did
Oh Keith you poor guy - you just can't do nothing can you in that situation? You know you did the right thing - and the Mother was probably on a major guilt trip for letting the kid out of her sight :rant: - shouldn't take it out on a big softy like you though :- "
Very strange world we live in Keith today....

the lady who saw those little boys yesterday on the motorway(that were later killed) didnt want to intervene in case something thought exactly the same.

It is very sad when you cant do a good turn in this day and age. :(

At work on the farm, we are not allowed to help any child at the toilet....even fastening coats up etc..
keith sadly there are very few and far between people like you around , dont take her attitude to heart, those of us on here love ya to bits :huggles:

what a tragic world we live in now when a decent person cant help or is afraid to help for fear of accusations :(

your good deed didnt backfire , the little girl was reunited with her mum , thanks to you , whatever way it happened :huggles:
sorry keith but to do what you did in this day and age is asking for trouble hun. :( you should never take a child by the hand and try to lead it thing to have done was to get a lady to stay with the child while you went and got security or something to help.what you did is not acceptable in this day and age.yes i know you were trying to help but if it was me and i saw a man taking my child away id have clocked you one! :lol: you have to think how it would look to someone who doesnt know you keith and tbh it doesnt look good. :( theres a lot of weirdos and peados out there hun you cant blame the mum for going ballistic seeing you taking her baby away.its perfectly natural.if this situation came up again dont try to take the child anywhere get help and stay put.dont touch the child unless you have to.sorry youve had this happen but its the price we pay for the society we live in these days :(
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Janimal said:
Very strange world we live in Keith today....the lady who saw those little boys yesterday on the motorway(that were later killed)  didnt want to intervene in case something thought exactly the same.

It is very sad when you cant do a good turn in this day and age. :(

At work on the farm, we are not allowed to help any child at the toilet....even fastening coats up etc..

Strange isnt the word i use Janis, SICK is what i use, no one else was willing to take hold of the little mite, and even i was reluctant, the whole town centre was looking at me, im still trembling now, still shes safe thats the main thing eh, 2 daughters brought up solely by me, 3 grankids whom when come to visit kiss me on the lips, i may be many things but PERVERT IM NOT
oh dear keith, not a good morning then :(
Its so sad :(

Its awful when our "maternal" instincts kick in...we want to cuddle and protect and then we are accused of something awful :(

At the age of 9 my daughter would still get in the bath with her 2 youger brothers and play with the bubbles....a pal of mine thought it was weird :(

i just said when the time came that my girl wanted to bath alone....she would say...and she did :- "

We do have to protect the young and vunerable :b

Lets hope there isn't a next time...but would you walk away from a little mite that needed wouldn't because you lots of :* :* :* :* :* for you
kris said:
sorry keith but to do what you did in this day and age is  asking for trouble hun. :( you should never take a child by the hand and try to lead it thing to have done was to get a lady to stay with the child while you went and got security or something to help.what you did  is not acceptable in this day and age.yes i know you were trying to help but if it was me and i saw a man taking my child away id have clocked you one! :lol: you have to think how it would look to someone who doesnt know you keith and tbh it doesnt look good. :( theres a lot of weirdos and peados out there hun you cant blame the mum for going ballistic seeing you taking her baby away.its perfectly natural.if this situation came up again dont try to take the child anywhere get help and stay put.dont touch the child unless you have to.sorry youve had this happen but its the price we pay for the society we live in these days :(
Yes thinking upon it now Kris you are quite right, but its not everyday anyone comes across a situation like that, Hely, not had a good morning you say, how wrong you are, but ive had a lovely morning thank you, :cheers: :huggles:

lol..........oh right ok then keithy :huggles:
keith love sometimes we cant do right for doing wrong. :( i know youre from an older generation than a lot of people on here and to that generation what you did was perfectly natural you were trying to help. :huggles: but because this world we live in now is full of weirdos who instead of being locked up are free to roam the streets people are much more aware of how they behave with children.we get lost children in the malls where we have shops.we wont touch the children or try to take them anywhere.we phone for security and a female one will usually come and ask the kiddy a few questions and then relay the info to the office where theyll make an announcement over the tannoy system.i feel so sorry for you cos you just wanted to help but in this day and age it can be misinterpreted :(

anyway glad youve had a lovely morning to make up for it :thumbsup:
It's a bad, sad world we live in. :(

The mother was probably already panicked at having lost the child and then jumped to conclusions when she saw you with her.

I remember being at a wedding that my little girl was flower girl. At the reception there was another wedding going on. We noticed their flower girl earlier, with the same blonde curls and very similar dress to my little girl.

When I ws taking her to the toliet my little girl slipped out of my hand and ran for the wrong reception room. I ran after her and grabbed her by the hand and was telling her off for running away when suddenly I was grabbed by the shoulder and swung around my one of the other wedding parties guests; demanding to know who I was and where I was going with the child. I was in total shock and couldn't get any words out.

When my little girl turned and looked at them they realised it was a case of mistaken identity and were very apologetic.
kris said:
keith love sometimes we cant do right for doing wrong. :( i know youre from an older generation than a lot of people on here and to that generation what you did was perfectly natural you were trying to help. :huggles: but because this world we live in now is full of weirdos who instead of being locked up are free to roam the streets people are much more aware of how they behave with children.we get lost children in the malls where we have shops.we wont touch the children or try to take them anywhere.we phone for security and a female one will usually come and  ask the kiddy a few questions and then relay the info to the  office where theyll make an announcement over the tannoy system.i feel so sorry for you cos you just wanted to help but in this day and age it can be misinterpreted :( anyway glad youve had  a lovely morning to make up for it :thumbsup:

From an older generation on here, pmsl, ok Kris im off out with my doggies in a min, doin things most youngsters wouldnt tackle, then i may just chuck myself over the church wall. :lol:
as long as you know you were doing right, no harm came to that child etc, doesnt matter what the mother thought. when people DON'T stop to help, for fear of being misunderstood...well, game over. better to face the misplaced rage of a thousand mothers than the heart strickened grief of one single bereaved mother.

good on you :thumbsup:
lalena said:
as long as you know you were doing right, no harm came to that child etc, doesnt matter what the mother thought. when people DON'T stop to help, for fear of being misunderstood...well, game over. better to face the misplaced rage of a thousand mothers than the heart strickened grief of one single bereaved mother.good on you  :thumbsup:

i quite agree, such a shame our world has got to the point where you cant even help a child in distress :angry:
Thats awful to hear Keith, really feel for you. These days everything is interpreted the wrong way, at least mother and daughter were reunited, thanks to you :thumbsup: but for you not to have received any thanks just isn't on :rant: I won't doubt the mother being worried but to speak to you like that is so unfair and wrong. Don't take it personally :huggles: After everything in the news these days, its anyone's guess as to what the right thing is to do!
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posh totty said:
your good deed didnt backfire , the little girl was reunited with her mum , thanks to you , whatever way it happened  :huggles:

The above quote says it all - well done, Keith

" Ya can't do right for doing wrong " these days :(
I'd say you done the right thing in todays crazy doo lally politically correct world, Keith.

Better that you had taken that kid and held on to her rather than some sicko that could have just grabbed her and taken her away.

I bet the mother's probably sat thinking a bit different now, rather than going through the guilt trip "What if..........".

Stupid Bitch for letting the kid roam off on it's own.