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Good Day At Work


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I went to work this morning as normal at 6am everything was normal then suddenly just before we went for our breakfast break at 8.50am all the power went off.

I work for a large pottery manufacture Pormerion and run a large machine spraying glaze onto plates. As soon as the power went of the fire alarms also started going off. Being a fire wardenI made sure our department was empty of people before going out to take a register of people present to ensure everyone was outside.

After standing on the dispatch yard for about 20 minutes we were told to go back in. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you think :oops: because of the power cut all the extracters on the kilns had gone of so the factory was filling with fumes .We were sent back outside again.

After spending 2 hours siting in the sun starving as we had not took our bags out with us we were told we could go home.

I arrived home at 11am just as the electricity came back on (w00t) .Apparently there was afault on an under ground cable somewere and the whole area was affected with probably a 5 mile radius .Ben so far hasn't appeared home from school so they must have kept the kids at school.

We finish normally at 12pm on a Friday so I haven't lost too much time but at least I now have the day to do as I please. Because of the fumes no one will be allowed into the factory until the middle of the afternoon any way and I'd rather spend the time with my dogs than sitting in the yard at work with nothing to do
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