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Going To Try And Buy


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(w00t) omg im so excieted another step closer to starting my own buisness im going to go try and hopfully buy a brand new industrial sewing machine tommorrow and i cant wait ,its a lot of money to shell out over £700 but will pay for itself in the long run and an esentail for my new buissness , :D
nicky12 said:
(w00t) omg im so excieted another step closer to starting my own buisness im going to go try and hopfully buy a brand new industrial sewing machine tommorrow and i cant wait ,its a lot of money to shell out over £700 but will pay for itself in the long run and an  esentail for my new buissness , :D
Look Nicky, im as excited for you as you are for yourself, £700 is a lot of money, but, your very good at what you do, your hearts in it, yes, go for it, you wont regret it, :luck: :luck:

from mr and mrs

good luck, you are very talented, so as you say it will pay for itself in the long run,

Had you considered a good second hand one? Often seen them in the free ads.
I agree or get mooching on ebay, that way the money you save, you can spend on lots of fabric for those winter coats we're going to start mithering you for! :D
thanks everyone :D and yes i did consider getting a second hand one at first but the place im buying the new one from is not far from me only a coulple of miles away and easy to get to and have lots of back up if anything goes wrong also a good gauranty with it so i think il pay the extra and i il go for a new one :D il post sum pics once its delivered :cheers:
(w00t) Well i went tryed it out and its fab its coming this afternoon at 2.30 i cant wait ...while i was ther i also seen sum embroidery machines all computerised you make you design on you computer pop sum memory card thing in the machine and it does it all by itself or sumthing like that anyway :lol: so thats my next investment then everything can have names and stuff on (w00t)
Wow that sounds amazing Nicky - good luck with your new machine and new business :luck: :D
Good luck with your new machine and your new venture Nicky :thumbsup: :luck: :thumbsup: :luck:
good luck with your new venture hope it works out, wendy used to sew things for a couple of greyhound rescues , collers ,coats ,beds and things like that, she just makes for our dogs now but when she did it for the rescues they made a lot of money for the charitys, there is a market out there the more un-usual the more you tend to sell

:luck: :luck: Good luck Nicky!! :luck: :luck: but dont get so busy that you dont have time for sending Tia piccys will you??? :thumbsup: ;)
good luck nicky :luck: :luck: :luck: ,im looking forward to all the things your going to be selling,carnt wait :thumbsup:

and hope you still get the time to chat with us all,so dont get too busy :blink:
quintessence said:
Good Luck Nicky, how about some throws for the settee ?

i was thinking of doing sum im off to get sum fabric tomoz so il see what i can get :thumbsup: littlenell are you kidding she guna be my top model so youl never be short of piccys :D

trish im a k9 addict now youl never get rid of me il still be yabbing for wales on here and giving my fello whippy people some bargings :huggles: :D

thanks for all the good luck wishes everyone :huggles:

and here it is my new sewing machine ........

Wow Nicky, thats a beauty :thumbsup:

I think what you do is fab, i cant even sew a button on (w00t)

There's no stopping you now :cheers:
All the best luck with your new venture :luck: I'm already a happy customer and so is the OH
(w00t) Blimey - do you need an engineering degree to use it?? :blink: :lol:
i think you do nell my other half was well impressed he was like omg you got an engine powered sewing machine and you have to put oil in it :lol: :lol: and im glad its got a little gaurd by the needle or id have sewn my hand to the fabric already its so flipping fast but il soon get used to the speed ...its fab (w00t)