Our AGM will be held at 11 am nest Sunday, the 24th November. There will not be time for racing prior to the meeting. Please bring only a SMALL of food to share, so that we might enjoy a get-together without wasting a heap of food.
If anyone has anything they wish discussed at the meeting, please let me know before Saturday, to have it added to the agenda.
The AGM is open to all, but only club members have the right to vote.
Look forward to seeing everyone there. Please remember the raffle, it is only as good as the prizes donated.
If anyone has anything they wish discussed at the meeting, please let me know before Saturday, to have it added to the agenda.
The AGM is open to all, but only club members have the right to vote.
Look forward to seeing everyone there. Please remember the raffle, it is only as good as the prizes donated.