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Come on own up ...who on K9 wears glasses and for what.

Ive just had an eye test this morning...didnt really want to go but realised :b my last one was in 2000 (w00t) Im ashamed to say. :b

and Yes I need glasses (short sighted) for Driving and the TV... :- " so pick them up next week... :thumbsup:
:b I wear them for reading and any close up work. i have one eye that is very weak and one that isnt too bad. 8)
me to distance for driving and watching my dog come out the traps 8)
im as blind as a bat :b

i have 6 different pairs of specs and 3 pairs of prescription sunglasses........and i have contacts as well........cant see a thing without them :b

my little bill has just got his first pair of spec's........bless him hes only 5 :wub:

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I saw Bill in his glasses Helen...he just looks so cute. :wub:

Ive put off going for ages, I know its naughty... :b its mainly after being on the laptop or Pc then re-focusing on something far away...

what stops you going...vanity I suppose...

.............. OH said to the assistant -well thats her xmas present sorted... then he got a slap.. :lol:
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Nope I don't :D ............................................................yet :thumbsup:
i have admit i am terrible for going and buying all these lovely spec's and then i go back to my contacts............cos im to bloody vain :teehee:

sorry forgot i put the pic of bill on facebook :b
I have reading glasses but they are pink coloured lenses to stop the letters moving about for my dislexia
I have them for distance just got 2 new pairs A black and some jazzy ones for best.
I wear them all the time Janis, varifocals. I think they make me look intelligent

8) :D 8)

im short sighted so wear them for TV and driving :thumbsup:
I've got varifocals too (which are really expensive! :( ) and have worn glassses since I was about 10 and I hate it! :angry: You can't see in the rain, and every time you open up the oven door or walk in from the cold they steam up and you can't see a thing. :blink: Too scared to have laser surgery though so I'm stuck with them :b Did try contact lenses years ago but I've got really sensitive eyes and now dry eyes, and I just didn't get on with them at all.
am slightly short sighted - so i wear specs or contacts most of the time else I get headaches trying to pull things into focus
urchin said:
am slightly short sighted - so i wear specs or contacts most of the time else I get headaches trying to pull things into focus
Yes Urchin...thats sounds like me...

Ive put off going for so long now...and have put up with headaches and eye strain... :blink: :wacko: Im finding I cant stand stopping on the laptop now for too long

maybe the glasses will sort it... :thumbsup:

I admire you people who wear them all the dont notice glasses you know...till you have to wear them yourself.. :- " I found myself looking at the guy in the shop and every person that came in looking for glasses... :lol: at the shapes and styles...thought mine looked quite trendy...
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I've just started to wear them too, but only for computer work. I was like you Janis, and hadn't had an eye test for years and years. Recently I kept getting headaches at work, so finally visited the optician. I'm longsighted but need some help for close up VDU work. It's all downhill from 40, or so my optician told me. (w00t) I did treat myself to quite a trendy pair, and quite like my new image :* , but I'm really glad I don't need to wear them all the time. :sweating:
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I needed glasses for reading very small print when I was about 48 and since then my vision

has deteriorated to the point that I have to wear them for computer work, reading and the

car dash board is slightly fuzzy as well :oops:

But my middle and long distance vision is still fine, thank goodness :thumbsup:

I need to go and get new specs at the moment .......... wonder if I should have bi-focals or

vari-focals :thumbsup: It would save having to take them on and off all the time, maybe :unsure: