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Glasgow Airport


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A Saturday night and John's watch sky news (w00t)

They had a go at the Scot's, but the Scot's fought back and 2 are under arrest :cheers: :cheers:

Why oh why are they doing this :( ,,that airport was full of family's going away on holiday,,,the first day of the Scottish holidays for the school kids :(

B*****DS,,,Why can't we all live in peace :huggles: :huggles:
Ive had sky news on since Johns been home from work (w00t)

Very scary,,and it's linkes to the London Attacks too :( :(

There are still planes full with holiday folk who are stuck on them,,,this happened at 3.15pm and its after 10pm now :( :(
tis indeed very scary wer will they strike next .worst time of year too makers packed into ariports :(
we stopped our daughter going into manchester yesterday, although she cannot understand why my huisband is a prison officer & at the moment is is handling terrioest prisoners
What a bunch of cowardly idiots. Wonder what they think they are going to achieve. :unsure: :wacko:
it's time the Government stopped pussie footing around and got on with the job of eradicating these extremist.
:( According to today's papers it looks likely there's a terrorist cell operating from withing Scotland. One of the London cars had come from Scotland.

I hope they can root it out now they've caught the lowlife from the Glasgow incident. I'm proud that fellow Scots tackled them so they could be arrested. It's just a pity that torture is illegal.

These people ought to realise they are simply pathetic and we're not running scared.
fancy picking on the scots....they are a tough bunch....the men wear skirts with no pant (w00t)

seriously....there are some sickos out there :angry:
trac said:
we stopped our daughter going into manchester yesterday, although she cannot understand why my huisband is a prison officer & at the moment is is handling terrioest prisoners
its a pity your husbands job isnt BEATING terrorist prisoners thats what they deserve!!!!!
i saw the pics of the burnt man in the news paper and it was horrid :unsure:
Pinky sweetheart, what is truely horrid is what the 'burnt man' had intended to do. I know you are young and perhaps do not understand the implications of what has happened, to be honest I dont know if I have quite taken it in myself.




but you know what id say :- "
personally....i think they need stringing up :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
whats the betting he ends up getting compensation :rant: for not getting medical treatment before being arrested :rant: :rant:
face bovvered :lol:

but i agree with you, he will prob complain about the police :rant:
This problem has been going on since the crusades ! if you dont agree with the british way of life & culture then leave ! now !
paul bywater said:
This problem has been going on since the crusades ! if  you dont agree with the british way of life & culture then leave !  now !
Yup, easy to say but.....

us britains are not exactly famed for keeping out of other people's countries and other people's way of life are we? (the Crusades being a prime example of this!)

particularly if they have a valuable natural resource like oil!
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Yup it is easy to say , pity the goverment havnt got the guts to do & say what every body is saying & wants to happen , still when the right people get in it will happen -sooner or later