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Giardia treatment


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Hello Everyone

My 31.5 kg Labrador has been diagnosed with giardiasis. After a three day Panacur treatment did not work, the vet has put him on 1600 mg of Metronidazole antibiotic for 20 days. This seems like an enormous dose of antibiotics for a dog, and I am concerned about neurotoxicity. Has anyone else had a dog on this sort of dose? Any advice/help greatly appreciated.


Hi Harrison

I've just looked up the approved doses for dogs on metronidazole and going on your dog's weight this is the approved maximum for the dog (it actually comes to 1598mg) so I think that it's likely that doggy metabolism deals with metronidazole in a different way to humans, as it does with a whole selection of other drugs. If your vet has prescribed the maximum then clearly s/he feels that the risks from the giardiasis outweigh those from the potential neurotoxicity.

The issue with neurotoxicity has been addressed by several papers that I've found and from the figures I've seen even at the high dose the risk of neurotoxicity is still low because he's only going to be on it for a relatively short time and potential issues tend to be seen in dogs that have been on it for months or who have liver function issues. There's also very good information that if he does develop the side effects they are temporary and recovery can be greatly improved in time by treating with diazepam.

I'd suggest making sure that your boy has his liver checked before deciding whether metronidazole is OK with you, but if you don't go with metronidazole and the Panacur didn't work then there is also the question of what alternative you could approve. DrontalPlus is one possibility, but it depends on where you are as to whether that is available and there are, of course, no guarantees that it will work anyway.

Whatever you decide to do, please remember that your vet wouldn't recommend a product unless s/he though that it was the most appropriate treatment available.

Good luck :)