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Future Issues!


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Well.. the stress has really started now. More moaning more groaning and more frowning. I have to pick my main subjects for the rest of my school years that have gone all confuddly now. I had it all planned which has just came crashing down basically and i dont know what i want to be when im older and so i dont know what i need to take.

Im so stressed and confused and angry at myself :( .

I have ideas. But nothing permenant.

- Photographer

- Radio

- Fashion Model (Thrown out the window)

- Love to work with animals but not a vet so i dont know what to do in that catergory.

Any sudjestions and any tips on subjects i could choose for something like that.

i left school with

english, maths, art, craft and design, admin, biology, geogrophy and french

and i have spent the last 7years working in shops using very little of these.

so dont get to hung up on picking the right ones for what you might want to do in 10years time as you may do somthing completley different.

im at college now and dont have a clue what i want to do the rest of my life so im doing the basics this year english and maths higher.

if your not sure than just do the ones you like and that way you will enjoy what ever your doing even if you never use it again, and once you decide what path you want to take there are always courses in everything that can top up everything you already have.

hope this helps.

good luck :luck:
Choose subjects you are good at and enjoy because if you enjoy those subjects now likelyhood is you will have a job related to them.

Dont worry too much about choosing a career path now - your still very young and a lot can change and careers can change to. Your interests are not likely to change that much so focus on them.

Good luck. It's a tough time.

If you want some advice I am a teacher helping other y9 kids with their options 2. Just pm.