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Fun In The Wind


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We have had very strong winds here and the power has been off for 24 hours :(

Anyway these two had fun in the wind.


we had a great night without the power on - played Cluedo by candlelight and then hide and seek in a dark house - very scary :D thank heavens we've still got internet at work :))
Great picture :thumbsup:
sounds great i love cludo, manopoly is even better sept im never very good i have to be the banker so i can keep loaning myself money :- " :- "
That's a lovely photo ... hope your power is on again soon.


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Wow - great kite....and a smashing photo... :thumbsup:
The boys managed to get the kite out to max height - they were out there for about 5 hours having a great time in the wind.

We are now day three with no power at home :(

Had to cook on the fire last night. We played tripoly (I am rubbish at monopoly but quite good at POKER o:) ) by kero light and told all of our spooky stories :eek:

Running out of clean clothes and no hot water so really really hope they manage to get us back on supply soon. Dreadful news last night that a linesman was killed working on restoring power.
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