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Fruit Loving Dogs

The Whistler

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help we have two dogs who addorrreee our fruit we are growing.

our dogs are 6mths and 4mths. chips is the oldest and started the moment we got him home. the first to take the brunt was the raspberries.....then the blueberries ....then we got amber and they have now gone thru...welll let me see





5.apples,black,white currants

the list is endless. we have trouble with the children now we have to contend with the dogs

amber even got thru the mesh and ate what we had left of the strawberries :rant:

like i say has any body got any ideas as to what to do with our fruitaholics
Well they certainly know what's good for them :D
i forgot to add that they dont just eat the ones on the floor they are using there the point of eating the raspberry cane to get to the top ones. plus they pluck the fruit

i am sure they go round the garden with a shopping trolly :lol:
Dobs is a fruit addict too. He loves strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples and even pineapple :blink: I give him the odd blackberry when we're on walks too. Had to laugh earlier on this year when he was racing at Highgate and a fellow racer was offering strawberries round and he nicked mine from her hand :oops:
:lol: I have one that picks her own blackberries on walks... such a delicate little mouth just gently helping herself to the low-growing ones :wub:

I think you might have to wall in your fruit garden! Can you use some of that willow fencing to keep them away from the fruit?
i have toyed with the idea fencing and willow fencing but they are now eating the garden funiture and the fusia is not looking to good either.

surprisingly the one that is chewing the furniture and fence is the whippet x beddlington x greyhound and she sooooooooooooo looks innocent o:)

we would do brick but then the garden is going to get even smaller
~Helen~ said:
:lol: I have one that picks her own blackberries on walks... such a delicate little mouth just gently helping herself to the low-growing ones :wub:
I think you might have to wall in your fruit garden! Can you use some of that willow fencing to keep them away from the fruit?

Yep...mine too do that in the front paddock,it is full of briars that are heaving with berries and they all just go along grazing at their leisure,they have even started to try and climb up the trees to get to the better berries!! Mind you...all the pips come out the other end and it is deep purple colored!! (w00t) :x

They love most fruit...Teazle will even eat orange segments! (w00t)
Ours too!! :lol: loving pears & apples in the garden at the moment, they to will pick their own :- " :lol: mine do get given fruit anyway, but they love nothing more than a bit of scrumping! :lol:
Mine are both fruit and veg lovers. We had to fence the food growing area with 6foot fencing to prevent thieving. Mine love to munch on hardy geraniums which need regular dead heading anyway and it seems to keep them off the fuschia etc.
Get tons of blackberries in the back garden but had to chop them back as Bumpy got stuck, 5ft in under the bushes getting the biggest, sweetest berries. :b
Mine too!!! Here's Dolly scrumping pears. :lol:

When we first moved here we didn't realise we had a damson bush as they stole the fruit before it was ripe. :- " Last year Bobby stole the only apple on a tiny tree I had planted. They also eat blackberries from the bushes when out on a walk.

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For some daft reason I feel a tad left out here. :unsure: I couldn't forcefeed my two fruit if I tried. If they were starving they still wouldn't touch any fruit offered to them.

Hmmm....difficult one to solve :wacko:
Dolly and Mojo are the same we had some wild raspberries growing from our drystone wall at the back. I tucked them up and Mojo pulled them down and ate all the nice juicy ones!!!! Little devils!!
My lot love their fruit and veg.

Only today when we was out and about mooching they was eating blackberries straight from the bushes.
Yip - Blue pinched a lot of goosberries from my garden this year and loves fruit, veg and flowers! (w00t)
what a fantastic picture.

we didnt realise what chip was eating until we spoted him beside the plum tree. i will say this that at least he spat out the stones!!
Nicola said:
For some daft reason I feel a tad left out here. :unsure:   I couldn't forcefeed my two fruit if I tried. If they were starving they still wouldn't touch any fruit offered to them.
:wacko: I think yours are the odd ones out :lol:

Mine are terrible too - I thought Gelert had grown out of it a bit but found him with a lovely yellow plum yesterday. The surprising thing was that Guto had left him any. He's stripped the gooseberries, blackberries and raspberries this year.

If you're serious about fruit growing ultimately the only thing is to invest in expensive fruit cages unfortunately. Bad as they are, the dogs are only a minor fruit pest. Nearly all of my top fruit has been taken by squirrels and foxes this year, and that's from from about 30 trees which normally produce many pounds of fruit each :( I hate using plastic netting, it's quite dangerous for birds and other wild life; I lost our garden grass snake because it got caught up in the plastic netting over the gooseberries :( (though this was a freak accident, as it actually swam into the middle of the bush during the flooding).

On the plus side we must all have the healthiest dogs possible :lol:
Slightly off topic, but there was a notice at the vets saying dates and raisins are very poisonous to dogs and to bring them in, even if they just rob a small piece of fruit cake. Saying that, thieving Fly managed the three pack of eccles cakes intended for my pack up with no ill effects!
i wish this wind would stop blowing the dogs are having a field day on the pears that are falling. :angry :- " :eek: :rant: