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Front wheels.

Biker John

Well-Known Member
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Hello all, I am wondering if any one can help. I have an 8 yr old Shih Tzu, he has been diagnosed with nerve sheath cancer. It affects his front right leg and unfortunately their is no treatment for him. In himself he is the same happy little chap he always has been and does not appear to be in pain. But he is now 'knuckling over' all the time and I'm thinking this will lead to him damaging the top / front of his paw. I have a stroller for him, so when we go out on the boring road bit he rides then he goes on the floor when we are on soft ground like grass so far this has stopped him getting sore.

Any way I have been thinking that if I got him a set of wheels he would be able to get around without dragging his paw, but looking on line most places that supply wheels for dogs only do rear wheels, and I can see that their will be more dogs having rear leg problems so that's understandable. I have come across Eddie's Wheels that do front wheels but they are in the USA, so before I order them I was wondering if any one knew of a UK supplier.
Sorry to hear about your little dog's problem.

You might like to contact an ACPAT physiotherapist. This sort of problem would be in their field of expertise. They use all sorts of equipment to help dogs and front wheels might just be among them.

We have an amazing centre near us where they offer hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, chiropractor, acupuncture. Bit too far away for you but the owner may know of someone in your area as she is the chairwoman of her professional body.