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Frog watch


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This little fella just gave Oli a shock by jumping out from in the hose reel!
AAAAAHHHHHHHH :confused::eek: Is that actually real?! Frogs and toads really scare me but obviously they are only nature.
Yes! He was hiding inside and obviously didn’t like being disturbed by Oli! :D

My brother is terrified of frogs (aged 21!)
I love them... managed to get one sitting on a lily pad a few weeks ago and lately there have been hundreds of tiny frogs (or toads jumping about in the grass where we walk. They are so sweet, about the size of a 50p and fast but they make Murphy jump when they spring out in front of him!
They’re so sweet when they’re that size! They make Dennis jump to! :D

I grew up with the Springtime chorus of peepers, & i miss their birdlike calls -

we also had American toads, leopard frogs, green frogs, newts of several species, various salamanders, tree frogs, & other amphibians, all over our streams, in the water, along the bank, & often found randomly in assorted refuges around the farm - under a stone step, for instance, in a shallow soil cavity scooped out by the occupant.
Frogs & toads have incredibly beautiful, gemlike eyes, & i don't find them scary - i think they're cool. :)

Sadly, amphibians around the world are crashing - whole popns are decimated & go extinct locally or regionally in a few years, due to climate change / global warming, rainfall patterns that are disrupted, & most catastrophically, the rapid spread of a fungal infection that began with AFRICAN CLAWED FROGS in the 1940s, used to determine if a woman was pregnant.
The global trade in these frogs has released the fungus into the world's surface streams, where it wreaks havoc & kills most amphibians very quickly. :(

Chytrid Fungus - causing global amphibian mass extinction

Many endangered species now live only in captivity, & efforts to release them in the future must include developing chytrid-resistant offspring.

- terry


there are captive-breeding programs on 5 continents, & many ppl are dedicated to saving frog, toad, & salamander species - here's an overview of conservation, globally -

Conservation - Amphibian Ark

I watched some very-heartening footage of volunteers releasing captive-reared mist frogs near Victoria Falls, it was so moving to see these little fellas back where they belong! :)
Many spp, sadly, are already gone - some of them were just discovered shortly B4 they vanished utterly. The Golden Toad was an especially-striking little creature from the cloud-forests of C America, & is gone forever.

to painlessly contribute to AmphibianArk & other worthy charities, U can join here -
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