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Friday The 13th


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hope no one has had any bad luck, seeing as it's friday the 13th (w00t)
:eek: i forgot :eek:

i'm not working today so i was going to get the drill, hammer, and electric saw out and knock up a few bird boxes,

me thinks i should be avoiding sharp things today :lol:

the birds can wait till tomorrow :thumbsup:
I forgot too,not doing much anyway except for taking pics of my lot! Ooh we have a bit of sun! Hope it lasts,3 of mine have sports day....been cancelled twice.
Nothing much happening :blink: but Im off for a walk soon.... :) its fine here today for a change...
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I've had bad luck and good luck but both have cost me lots of money so its an overall bad day :angry:

Johns car has just been in for its MOT, basically its knackered and is gonna cost £700 to fix (oh yes and this is just 2 days after I ordered a new laptop) :rant: so thats all my emergency savings gone (and yes the laptop was an emergency as my pc is dying along with all my photos, music and k9 :b ).

Good thing though, I have just got us tickets to see the White Stripes so I'm happy, if not a bit skint :cheers:
If anythings bad going to happen it will happen....any day any time ...Im not superstitious about dates etc.....

think my Friday 13th happened in May this year on a Saturday....Im sure nothing worse could happen surely.....or am I tempting fate... :b ..just had the glass put back in yesterday... (w00t)

but mind there is this. :lol:
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Shhh..if we forget about it, nothing bad will happen :- "
trac said:
hope no one has had any bad luck, seeing as it's friday the 13th (w00t)
Far from it, ive had a nice suprise, in my inbox this morning from a fellow k9 member was a pm congratulating me on my lovely litter, well ive searched high n low but i cant find any pups :lol: :lol:

midlanderkeith said:
trac said:
hope no one has had any bad luck, seeing as it's friday the 13th (w00t)
Far from it, ive had a nice suprise, in my inbox this morning from a fellow k9 member was a pm congratulating me on my lovely litter, well ive searched high n low but i cant find any pups :lol: :lol:


lol (w00t)
no bad luck here :thumbsup: except gypsy digging a bloody huge hole on my lawn :- "
Bad start for me today, walked out of the front door, slammed it shut and thought ....BLEEP, BLEEP, BLEEP......

I hadn't picked my door keys up or my car keys :rant:

So had to get on the bus to meet my daugher at school to get her door keys, not sure wether it had anything to do with Friday 13th or just me being scatty :wacko: :lol:
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well i've so far been unscathed but my mate Kath locked herself in the living room and the dogs in the kitchen today when she yanked the handle off the door that was jammed shut (w00t)

she tried everything to get it open even tried using the end of the umbrella to pry it open but in the end had to give up and phone her hubby at work to come rescue her :lol:

i'm going over tomorrow with the electric planer to try and make the door fit a little better :D
Janimal said:
Nothing much happening  :blink:   but Im off  for a walk soon.... :) its fine here today for a change...
and I spoke too soon... :rant:

its chukking down and I got soaked on my walk........ :rant: bloody raining again.. :angry:

sorry about your luck Julie today... :(
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well ive done nowt and been nowhere with this rain today so had a boring day today with no mishaps,yet!!!!!!! :blink:
I left my house to meet a friend for birthday drinks and it was quite of i go with lovely straightened hair, fresh makeup, smart jeans, sleevless top, open toed sandles, leaving my coat and brolly at home. got off the bus in Manchester center, to walk 5mins to the taxi rank, to go to the meeting place, and the heavens opened, and i mean bouncing, couldn't see because of the sheets of rain coming down. I ended up drenched, with rats tail hair, soggy feet, cold and miserable...friday 13th?????? :(

Wasn't all bad tho, it was nothing a few southern comforts wouldn't put right :- " :lol:
Nothing too bad happened here, I managed to assemble IKEA day bed almost without incident. OK Stella nicked the last bolt and I spent whole afternoon looking for it, worried that she swallowed it. She did not, found it under dresser in the hall. Nothing to do with Friday the 13th, Stella nicks things all the time :rant:

But i did get an email saying I got a card from a friend, well unless the friend tells me he/she sent a card i am not opening it. Although I am dying to look :b :sweating:
Spent 3 hours in A and E with youngest son :(

A stupid boyish prank that went wrong :(

School finished at lunch...2 lads decided they wanted to burn their off they go to a park and a few others follow :- "

Fire lit...planners lad gets his spray deodarant out and dropped it on of the lads kicks it in fire before my lad could pick it up :(

It explodes and hits my boy in the face :eek:

The lad who lit the fire and kicked the can in the fire....runs :angry:

Luckily my lads good friend get a bottle of water and pours it over my boys face.

Thankfully my youngest put his hand up to protect his face....which helped to deflect the can .....and stopped anymore damage :blink:

He has bruising, a graze/burn from the corner of one eye across the bridge of his nose and into his eyebrow. he had to have plastic pulled off his face. One of his eyes had blurred vision, so an eye specialist was called for after numerous drops and tests to check for any particles that may have shattered from the can....he was given the all clear :)

Meant his Dad was very late going to work that night....I missed a vets appt.

Boys will be boys....but I have another clump of grey hair!
jeanyg said:
Spent 3 hours in A and E with youngest son :( A stupid boyish prank that went wrong :(

School finished at lunch...2 lads decided they wanted to burn their off they go to a park and a few others follow :- "

Fire lit...planners lad gets his spray deodarant out and dropped it on of the lads kicks it in fire before my lad could pick it up :(

It explodes and hits my boy in the face :eek:

The lad who lit the fire and kicked the can in the fire....runs :angry:

Luckily my lads good friend get a bottle of water and pours it over my boys face.

Thankfully my youngest put his hand up to protect his face....which helped to deflect the can .....and stopped anymore damage :blink:

He has bruising, a graze/burn from the corner of one eye across the bridge of his nose and into his eyebrow. he had to have plastic pulled off his face. One of his eyes had blurred vision, so an eye specialist was called for after numerous drops and tests to check for any particles that may have shattered from the can....he was given the all clear :)

Meant his Dad was very late going to work that night....I missed a vets appt.

Boys will be boys....but I have another clump of grey hair!

You sound like you had a rough day. I hope your son is ok and that he learned something from his prank. Boys will be boys
I dont believe in friday 13th rubbish

my dads funeral was on Friday 13th , 17 yrs ago

and my mothers was yesterday, not a hitch in either.