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French EU pet passport


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I am planning to travel to France with my dog and I am planning to get him a French passport over there as it is more practical and cheaper than the health certificate.

I know that British nationals have been able to get a French EU pet passport in the past (after Brexit). However, it looks that things became more complicated last year. The rules are the following:

"Le vétérinaire ne peut délivrer un passeport Français à un animal titulaire d'un passeport UK/UE délivré avant le 1er janvier 2021 qu'après avoir vérifié si le numéro d'identification de l'animal a bien été enregistré dans le fichier national d'identification des carnivores domestiques (I-CAD) et qu’une carte d'identification a bien été délivrée.

Dans le cas contraire, le vétérinaire peut procéder à l'enregistrement de l'animal dans le fichier national d'identification ICAD, si le séjour de l'animal en France est supérieur à 3 mois consécutifs, conformément à l'article 22 de l'AM du 1er août 2012 relatif à l'identification des carnivores domestiques."

To summarize, it means that I can only register my dog in the French registry and then get a passport if my dog stays more than 3 months in France. Is there a way around it? What would prevent someone to say that his/her dog would stay more than 3 months in France even if it is not the case?
It's a complex situation, but to get a passport in France, essentially yes your dog should be registered on the ICAD database. Registration is compulsory for animals remaining there for three months or more, you can in theory apply for voluntary registration if staying for under three months; but some vets are still a bit reluctant to issue a passport even then. If you have a French address that's something to consider though.

However there are far simpler ways round it. For example, Belgium and Spain don't have the requirement to have the dog registered on a chip database so a quick trip across the border would get you sorted out. Where in France are you arriving? I may be able to recommend a vet in Belgium.
Thank you very much for the information JoanneF!
I will try to get the passport with a French vet for this time and hopefully it will work. I also have to keep in mind to see a French vet between 1 and 5 days before the UK return to get a worming treatment.