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Found Dog


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My husband has just a black dog near pencaitland, she seems to be greyhound lurcher cross she is black with brown paws and small white patch on her chest. The vets think she is about 5-7 years old she has not bn microchipped.

We have contacted the police and the vets no one has reported her missing she has bn well looked after and very friendly, we are going to hold on to her for a day or 2 to try and find her owner if anyone knows who this bitch belongs to please phone ian on 01620829224.

I shall post a picture of her when i get home but anyone who lives in this area please get in touch with friends/neighbours she def belongs somewere.

the police and vets have our details so that if anyone phones they can get in touch right away.

After what happened at dalkieth i dont want to put her in the police station.

She has got on great with our two and blue thinks he is in love.

If anyone knows where else this can be cross referenced then please do.
looks like the owner is coming to get her :cheers: :huggles: