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Found Aberdeen - Greyhound


New Member
Reaction score
LSB 1839/6/G:

Greyhound -bitch (unsure if neutered)

Smooth coated

Black with white

White chest , 3 white feet

Greying face

Tattoo: RB QTB (Not chipped)

Age: 8 yrs

Wearing a blue cloth collar

Name is "Poppy"

Went missing from: Aberdeen, Scotland on 5/6/04

Circumstance of loss: Poppy was accidently released from a secure garden belonging to a friend of the owner. She ran home but when finding her own gate closed kept running,(she was being followed at the time by someone who saw her escape), she has not been seen since, despite extensive searching and poster/flyer campaigns. We now fear she may have been taken.

Additional Info: Poppy came from a rescue group, and had only been in her new home six weeks.
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>Just to let you know that Poppy has turned up this evening, still in Aberdeen.

She is tired, hungry and thirsty with a few cuts but seems overall well.