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For Hely


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love your curries do ya, put on your best bib n tucker im on my way, all you need is my beer money :lol:
corrrrrr curry my fav, where and what time keithy???

do i need to get dreesed up, or can i come in my slops (w00t)
hely said:
corrrrrr curry my fav, where and what time keithy???
do i need to get dreesed up, or can i come in my slops (w00t)

DREESED UP, :lol: cant you read my little love :lol: i did say best bib n tucker


keith x
oh ok then, i'll get my ball gown out (w00t)
where the devil are ya...........i've been waiting on this street corner for over a hour in my ball gown and 10" heels..........................people are gonna start to think im a lady of the night :oops: (w00t) :teehee:
Cant believe you've been there an hour and have't gotten any

work yet :lol: :lol:
oh but i have had 107 offers Ann...................they were all munters though (w00t)

plus they cant afford my rates :- "
Well im glad you have standards :lol:
PMSL................indeed i do :- " (w00t) :teehee:
hely said:
oh but i have had 107 offers Ann...................they were all munters though (w00t)
plus they cant afford my rates :- "

what the hecks a munter, im not saying your ugly hely, but youd have to pay me :lol:

keith :cheers:
midlanderkeith said:
hely said:
oh but i have had 107 offers Ann...................they were all munters though (w00t)
plus they cant afford my rates :- "

what the hecks a munter, im not saying your ugly hely, but youd have to pay me :lol:

keith :cheers:

lol...a munter is another word for....................a right old minger (w00t)

pay you?? got 10p in my pocket keith (w00t)
hely said:
midlanderkeith said:
hely said:
oh but i have had 107 offers Ann...................they were all munters though (w00t)
plus they cant afford my rates :- "

what the hecks a munter, im not saying your ugly hely, but youd have to pay me :lol:

keith :cheers:

lol...a munter is another word for....................a right old minger (w00t)

pay you?? got 10p in my pocket keith (w00t)

thank you pmsl

your very welcome :)

that was very polite of you keithy :lol:
