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For Anyone Who Has Sky


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We have Skyplus,but was thinking about upgrading to Skyplus HD(our tv is HD ready)

How good is HD? Anyone on here got Skyplus HD?? Is it worth paying the extra?
Yes, I have it, and no it's not worth it! It would cost you another £10 a month - but what they don't tell you is that you can't get ITV HD. I say you can't get it - you can now if you have the new Electronic Programme Guide which they are currently rolling out to customers. We received our new EPG a couple of weeks ago. You can then find the ITV HD channel on your HD box, but every time you want to go to it, you have to remember the steps you took to get there, and you can't rewind live TV or record it!!

In short I don't even like Sky at all, and after Xmas I am selling my HD box, and I'm changing to FreesatHD with a Foxsat HD box, which works like SkyPlus.

Sometimes the HD picture is brilliant and sharp, but Gallow's Law is transmitted in HD, and doesn't look anything special qualitywise at all. I have to say I am disappointed, but as I got it in an offer, I won't lose out too much by getting rid, and buying Foxsat. I'm only keeping it over Xmas, just in case there happens to be something I want to watch on Sky - I have to say it will be a first though!! lol
we have the skyplus hd box but we dont pay for the hd channels,

bbc1 sky1 and chanel4 hd are all free if theres a film on one of these channels then we will switch to the hd one,

but its not worth paying for imo :b
Upgraded to Sky HD this summer. If the programme is filmed in HD then the quality is fabulous. The one problem is that not much has been filmed in HD yet so have to agree with the others no not really worth the extra money.

BTW Apparently the only time it is worth it is if you subscibe to the Film or sports channels
Thanks for your opinions and advice girls :thumbsup:

I think for the moment we won't bother to upgrade yet :D we will wait to see what they are gonna do next with all this technology :wacko: