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Flynn Show


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Hi k9er's. We would like to share Flynns outing at the Craven Show today. The show was right on our door step so an excellent opportunity for us.

The venue was provided by Rolls Royce, and did not disappoint, the facilities were excellent as was the show set up, a credit to the organisers. Thanks!

We did not have long to wait as we were in class 2 Puppy Dog. Flynn had minor fidget pants on, but let the judge go over him very well!, and produced a lovely walk. We never know what to expect, supppose thats the beauty of being novices, but Flynn got awarded a 1ST!. So subsequently qualified us for best pup in show.

So we now had a long wait in front of us, luckily for us our over the top preparations came good today, we pack so much we could hold a seige!

When the steward called entrants up for best pup in show, i slipped Flynns show set on him and he put his fidget pants back on and we entered the ring, experiencing a new nervousness. Unknow to me Flynn had a plan, he had slipped into his best walking shoes and when our turn came up he produced a very satisfying walk round . Final judging came and i asked Flynn for just 1 more stand, it appeared he had quickly whipped off his fidget pants and stood still...... which won him best puppy in show, i'm sure he knew what he was doing????. Very Proud Parents.

Good lad Flynn.



WELL DONE Flynn, Anne Marie & Chris what a wonderful start for you all. He looks a lovely boy, a well deserved win, sure its just the first of many more to come! :cheers:
Well done Flynn! Brilliant result and a seriously handsome boy!

I love the idea of him putting on his fidget pants for the big occasion (w00t)
Well Done Flynn, what a great win for you. I love your show commentaries, keep them up and keep up the good work. He's a lovely boy.

:thumbsup: Good Job Flynn . Well done with your first win ,couldn't have went any better. Flynn obviously has got things sussed and you didn't do too badly either by the sound of things
Wow Congratulations, beautifully told account of the day too ;)
What a fantastic win for you, well done :thumbsup:

Huge well done to you all :cheers:

Flyn senior was a serious fidget pants, so now you know where he gets it from!!! (w00t) :D