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Floyds Claws


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Hello everybody!

Poor lad, our house is laminate and tiles, and as he is only on shortish walks daily, mainly on grass, he is slipping on his claws.

I have absolutley NO IDEA when and how to trim them, should I just ask the vet??

Do you know anyone locally who could show you how to do them? If not, I would go to the vet, but watch what he does then you will be able to do them yourself. If you have a problem with a skittish dog, a dremmel multi tool would probably be less distressing for the dog. Folly, my eldest whippet had never had hers touched when I got her at 3 years old and she is still a nightmare to do - it's a 2 man job!!

I also use a coarse emery board for tidying them up afterwards. Good Luck.
hi Lise, go to general discussion dogs there are 2 threads may interest you, nail clippers, any recommendations and how to clip your dogs nails

does your dog have clear or black nails ?

:luck: :luck:
Hi Lise

How old is Floyd as are Whips usually don't need there nails done to they are about two years old.

He is only 20 weeks, they just seem a bit long, but if I don;t need ot do them yet that is fine!



Whip said:
Hi Lise
How old is Floyd as are Whips usually don't need there nails done to they are about two years old.

We were looking at our youngest Inkys claws last night and they were fine he's 1 year 4 months.
I don't find I need to do ours very often, he has at least 15 mins a day on the pavement which keeps them reasonably short. Still long enough to create little holes in my bed sheets though :- " :b :lol:
Whip said:
Hi Lise
How old is Floyd as are Whips usually don't need there nails done to they are about two years old.

Have to disagree here!! My dogs all have their nails done every week/fortnightly at most from when they are 2 weeks old. Whippets do not have the body weight to wear their nails down sufficiently even if they are road walked/have a concrete run instead of grass. I can't BEAR horrible long pointy nails and it is uncomfortable for the dog to walk with long nails.
Yes..Fred needs his doing fortnightly, and he does get walks on pavements as well as in the park. Had to do this right from when he was a pup. If they get too long, as Fred's did, it is hard work getting them short again. I haven't really succeeded.
Yes I try to do Oscars every 3 weeks - they grow like wildfire for some reason.

And am trying to learn Kobi how to have his done - although he dosnt like it at all (w00t) I must win his confidence.